
June 4 decision

Jun 04, 2020 22:56

Today in history, an authoritarian government decided to break up peaceful protests by sending the military into the streets to shoot and kill hundreds - perhaps thousands - of students and workers gathered in public spaces all over the capital. Many more were imprisoned. All news of the event was suppressed. The country's resistance movement never ( Read more... )

crazy, career, freedom

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amw June 7 2020, 05:11:45 UTC
It's really sad that the US president called in the military to eject peaceful protestors from the capital just days before the anniversary of the Tiananmen incident. Obviously it wasn't anywhere near the same scale of overreaction, but it comes across as politically tone-deaf.

I wish i could stay in China longer and continue to "report from the inside". I think i would be less exhausted by this country if i didn't have to both work and live in it. Unfortunately - especially during these corona times - bumming around as a foreigner is not really an option here. Maybe one day i will be able to come back.


anais_pf June 4 2020, 18:53:15 UTC


carriea31 June 4 2020, 19:27:50 UTC

Yes, Congratulations! I agree with the first comment that I hope you will still be able to post here as you go along. I think you are doing such a smart thing for your health.....what you say about your history rings all the same warning bells that I hear going off surrounding my husband....but so far I've been unable to convince him that there IS something out there better and more suited to him than his current position. Anyway, good for you.


amw June 7 2020, 04:55:26 UTC
Something i found difficult to accept when i was younger was that not all people are cut out for traditional, full-time work. I went through phases of thinking anyone who doesn't work is lazy, the typical "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" attitude. But the more people i met around the world, people with different backgrounds, different health challenges, different emotional makeup, i came to understand that trying to fit everyone into that 9-5 just isn't realistic. And people who can't do it, it's not like they are lesser people, just differently wired. So, for me, i also accept it in myself now, and i don't beat myself up over not being able to tough it out.

The big challenge i think is how to survive financially. I am very lucky to earn enough while i am working to pay for the times i don't work (or at least the period i need to "recharge"), but that isn't true for everyone.


meowmensteen June 4 2020, 19:30:15 UTC
I wonder if you could get a ride on a cargo ship again?


benicek June 4 2020, 20:15:39 UTC

Oooooh yes!


amw June 7 2020, 04:43:06 UTC
Wouldn't that be great? I would love it! It was such a great break from the stress of the world. Unfortunately i doubt the shipping companies will be letting tourists onto their boats any time soon. Even the crew themselves are not being allowed on or off in many ports due to coronavirus fears. There have been several good articles written about this, for example or the CBC article i posted in response to sweetmeow below.


seattlejo June 4 2020, 20:36:45 UTC
I'm excited for you! Good for you for taking the steps you need to take care of yourself! Looking forward to following along. Hooray Freedom


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