The Two Sisters/De två systrarna, a Child ballad podfic in English and Swedish

May 02, 2010 18:49

Who can resist the language points? Not me. : )

Title: The Two Sisters
Author and reader: luzula
Fandom: Child ballads
Rating: R
Format: mp3, 128 kbps
Length: 9 m 22 s
Summary: There lived a farmer in the north country, and he had two daughters.

Notes: This is a femslash version of the Child ballad The Twa Sisters, also known as Binnorie or The Bonny ( Read more... )

language:other than english, fandom:music (songs vids & cds), reader:luzula, archived

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Comments 2

aphelant May 2 2010, 20:07:48 UTCå-systrarna-svenska

Let me know if 'svenska' isn't the proper term and I'll fix it. :)


luzula May 2 2010, 20:18:51 UTC
Svenska is the right term. : )


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