The Two Sisters/De två systrarna, a Child ballad podfic in English and Swedish

May 02, 2010 18:49

Who can resist the language points? Not me. : )

Title: The Two Sisters
Author and reader: luzula
Fandom: Child ballads
Rating: R
Format: mp3, 128 kbps
Length: 9 m 22 s
Summary: There lived a farmer in the north country, and he had two daughters.

Notes: This is a femslash version of the Child ballad The Twa Sisters, also known as Binnorie or The Bonny Swans (no incest, though). It reads pretty much like a fairy tale, and you don't need to know the ballad beforehand to listen to this.

Download at Sendspace.

Points: 5 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 = 17

Title: De två systrarna
Author and reader: luzula
Language: svenska (Swedish)
Fandom: Child ballads
Rating: R
Format: mp3, 128 kbps
Length: 8 m 46 s
Summary: Där bodde en bonde nere vid älvstranden, och han hade två döttrar. Den yngsta var ljus, med hår klart som solsken, och den äldsta var mörk, med hår som den svartaste jord.

Notes: Baserad på den medeltida balladen med samma namn, men du behöver inte ha hört balladen innan. Jag sjunger några verser på den version jag lärt mig från en Folk och Rackare-skiva, men de två verser jag sjunger på slutet är omskrivna.

Download at Sendspace.

Points: 5 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 27

Total points: 44

Hmm. There's a pairing here, but the characters don't have names, and I doubt I could formulate it in such a way as to make it useful to anyone. Maybe just leave it without a pairing tag in the archive?

language:other than english, fandom:music (songs vids & cds), reader:luzula, archived

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