Five Ways to Get In Touch with Your Inner Mild-Mannered Scientist

Aug 26, 2012 21:10

Another Avengers podfic by Parley42, Kaseteufel, EasyTangent, and I.  Unfourtunately early into the proceedings the good mc we were using stopped working and we had to record most of this on my headset.  (Note: headsets are awesome for one person to record with but not so awesome for a group... who would have thought.)  On that note, the volume ( Read more... )

fandom:avengers & related marvel movies, reader:opalsong, reader:parley42, reader:easytangent, reader:kaseteufel, archived

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Comments 7

knight_tracer August 27 2012, 22:41:04 UTC
Your archive page is here


luzula September 6 2012, 09:23:57 UTC
You're right, not the best sound quality, but it was totally worth it to stick with it to the end. This podfic was thoroughly entertaining, and I can tell you had fun!


opalsong September 6 2012, 22:30:09 UTC
:D :D :D I'm so glad someone had fun listening to this!!! We had SO MUCH FUN recording it!! (and then I went to edit it and was all DX DX DX) ps. I am very, truly sorry for my Natasha voice at the end. Girl's voices are paradoxically harder to do than boys voices DX


luzula September 7 2012, 11:18:45 UTC
I dunno, I usually read women in the same voice range as men? I mean, I don't try to go low for men and high for women--I think that's really hard to do in a natural-sounding way. Like, I was listening to a professional audiobook of one of Asimov's early science fiction books, and the (male) reader did this really high-pitched falsetto reading of the female characters. It made them sound like helpless bimbos or something (of course, it doesn't help that Asimov's female characters aren't that good to being with).

Not that I mean to say that your Natasha sounded like a helpless bimbo--she totally didn't! Just, I don't think you necessarily have to read her in a different pitch from the others.


opalsong September 8 2012, 23:06:57 UTC
I think I try and differentiate between women and men (maybe too much) in my podfic, and since my voice only goes so low... I think I did a really good job in the Fullmetal Alshemist podfic I recently posted and after editing that I'm more confident with my voices. It's interesting though, the differences between male and female voices.

I think my Natasha was okay. Until the end, her last couple of speaking parts in the orgy were definitely Bimbo-esque. But thanks for not thinking so :D I'm maybe just a little to critical of my own reading.


lilacbloom2 October 27 2012, 22:03:59 UTC
I just have to say, finding this podfic was the single luckiest thing I've done in a while XD You guys are AMAZING; the audio might be a little wonky, but I really didn't care all that much. It was fantastic to read the story, but the hearing it was about twenty million times better. I absolutely loved this, and now totally wish I had cool friends who would actually want to do something like this with me XD


opalsong November 19 2012, 05:22:58 UTC
Wow! Sorry this reply is so late! It was super fun to record so I'm glad you enjoyed it!!! (if you have any friends who are in fandom it is entirely possible to wrangle them into recording with you :D)


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