Five Ways to Get In Touch with Your Inner Mild-Mannered Scientist

Aug 26, 2012 21:10

Another Avengers podfic by Parley42, Kaseteufel, EasyTangent, and I.  Unfourtunately early into the proceedings the good mc we were using stopped working and we had to record most of this on my headset.  (Note: headsets are awesome for one person to record with but not so awesome for a group... who would have thought.)  On that note, the volume levels in this are all over the place and there are definitely so hisses and bumps.  The fic is amazing however and we had a lot of fun recording it!

Title: Five Ways to Get In Touch with Your Inner Mild-Mannered Scientist
Reader: opalsong, Parley42, Kaseteufel, & EasyTangent
Fandom: Avengers
Pairings: Orgy Fic (Clint/Natasha/Tony/Steve/Thor/Bruce (& Hulk) )
Rating: Explicit
Length: 47:39
Cover Art: opalsong
Summary: sleep, smash, sparring, science, sex..
Links: MP3
         Archive Link

Extra Notes: I apologise dearly for my Natasha voice.  Especially near the end.  There is no excuse.

Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, AO3, and Tumblr

fandom:avengers & related marvel movies, reader:opalsong, reader:parley42, reader:easytangent, reader:kaseteufel, archived

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