Amplirecathon 2012 Announcement Post

Jul 02, 2012 15:41

Welcome to the Amplirecathon, a podfic recs fest! All podfic enthusiasts are welcome and encouraged to sign up.


Time Schedule
The signups open today, Monday, July 2, so you can claim your date and start planning the podfics you'd like to rec right away. The festival itself lasts for two weeks: Monday, July 16 to Monday, July 30.

Each day, one or more people will post podfic recs to the
amplificathon/amplificathon communities. Participation is simple: you post on the date you claimed during sign up. You can choose as many or as few days as you like, but we do ask that if you claim a day that you post on that day.

As many of you may have noticed, Amplirecathon is later this year than in previous ones. The main reason for this is that we wanted to wait until both Amplificathon and PodBigBang were over, so that reccers could include some of these stories. Because while a central purpose of rec lists is to share our all-time favorites, the most interesting rec lists for readers are often those that introduce them to stories, readers, fandoms that they have not encountered before, and rare fandoms/recent recordings are more likely to be new to those reading your reclist.

Your rec post can be anything you want to share: a single story, stories from a single fandom, a single reader, random stories you like, or a thematic rec list of sorts. As mentioned above, we strongly encourage you to include new podfic and new readers-hopefully at least a few on each list that were released since the last round of amplirecathon.

Descriptions of the podfic can be as simple or detailed as you want them to be. You can list just the basic info (fandom, reader, name, author, length, and link) or you can go into depth about why you are recommending each particular podfic. Readers tend to love hearing what makes a podfic special to you: the details of the story and its presentation, your response to the recording, or the reasons the reading resonates with you personally. If you want ideas for how to put your feelings about podfics into words, you can check out this post. One last thing: qualified recs are fine, but if you are recommending it, please focus on what's good about it as well. :)

If you want to see what kinds of rec posts fans have made in previous years, check out Amplirecathon 2010 and Amplirecathon 2011. You can use these as models or come up with completely different and new themes and formats. We'd especially love if a couple people chose to experiment with video or audio recs, perhaps including clips from the recced podfics and then giving verbal commentary about what makes each clip so great!

Here is a convenient banner and code to use if you want to promote the fest!">" alt="amplirecathon 2012 promo image cc celine nadeau" />

Please spread the word! The more the merrier!

post:mod, amplirecathon:2012

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