50 Setences: Renji/Rukia

May 18, 2008 07:37

50 Renji/Rukia Sentences (for 1sentence)
Beta: n/a

#01 Ring
#02 Hero
#03 Memory
#04 Box
#05 Run

Renji and Rukia traveled together; they did everything together as children growing up on the streets and it was like a ring, always coming back to the same beginning with them together.
To Rukia, Renji was a hero - her hero - saving her from herself as well as from possible death.
Rukia's earliest memory were of Renji and her together on the streets, living together, living for the other.
Rukia held the box to her chest, tears sliding down her cheeks as they thought of its contents and how it would forever contact her to Renji.
Renji didn't know anything when Ichigo through Rukia at him, but he knew he had to run.

#06 Hurricane
#07 Wings
#08 Cold
#09 Red
#10 Drink

It was like a hurricane: one moment Rukia was standing in front of Renji and the next she was flying into his arms, embracing him tightly and murmuring words of love and affection to him.
Rukia didn't have wings, but Renji would swear that her power had to be to fly - she was born to sour above them all to new heights.
He was cold, turning away from her like she was nothing, but Rukia could see the pain in his eyes that he couldn't mask when he told her to go to Ichigo.
Red hair, coal black pupils in the middle of a blank white abyss - that would always be Renji to Rukia and no one could change that.
Drink - Rukia and Renji toasted their drinks to Rukia's freedom and Renji's survival like no one else sitting in the crowed room mattered.

#11 Midnight
#12 Temptation
#13 View
#14 Music
#15 Silk

Midnight - The clock stuck midnight just when Rukia felt Renji's lips on hers and she melted into the kiss during the first three chimes.
Renji thought that Ichigo was Rukia's temptation, but he wasn't; Renji had always been Rukia's Achilles Heel.
The view from the doorway was good enough for Rukia; she could see Renji's muscles playing on his body as he gently moved the chair from the wall to the table.
Renji laughed, and Rukia couldn't help but notice that it was music to her ears - so happy, so familiar, so perfect.
Renji's hand ran down Rukia's silk skin arm and she felt a shiver through her body.

#16 Cover
#17 Promise
#18 Dream
#19 Candle
#20 Talent

Renji and the others were a good cover; they would distract the cart and stand owners as she actually grabbed the food.
A young Rukia looked Renji was admiration and affection as her heart pounded in her chest rapidly, like it was trying to escape, and echoed his words, "I promise."
A cold sweat covered her body as Rukia sat up straight in bed, repeating to herself over and over, "It was only a dream and Renji is not dead."
Dining in candlelight was an old tradition, but sitting in the dim light with Renji staring at her with an intimate gaze in his eyes, Rukia couldn't think of anything better.
Rukia had a talent for making Renji's heart feel like it was about ready to explode from his chest with pure pride and delight and seeing her in action.

#21 Silence
#22 Journey
#23 Fire
#24 Strength
#25 Mask

The silence was deafening in Rukia's opinion and Renji looked more than determined not to fill it with words, but instead, he reached over and pulled her into his arms.
Renji and Rukia journeyed togetherthrough the streets together, they want to the academy together, and the one time that he left he go somewhere alone, she has to be forced back to the Soul Society.
Renji lit a fire inside Rukia without out a glance, but a touch… a touch sent a inferno through her entire body.
Renji had an immense amount of physical strength, but Rukia was the only human that could send him emotionally reeling.
Rukia couldn't hide her emotions behind a mask when she was feeling something negative when she looked at Renji like some could - like he could.

#26 Ice
#27 Fall
#28 Forgotten
#29 Dance
#30 Body

Rukia could be like ice slipping though Renji's figures each time they got too close to each other.
Rukia fell hard into Renji's arms, basking in the gloriousness that was his strength and affection.
Rukia and Renji were in an impasse just staring at each other as all their forgotten promises echoed and swelled with emotion around them.
Rukia and Renji spent years dancing around each other, but finally they were merely standing, waiting for the other to make the first move.
Rukia had an unbelievable strength in her small body, and Renji knew that he couldn't expect her to keep that power to herself forever.

#31 Sacred
#32 Farewells
#33 World
#34 Formal
#35 Fever

"I'll always be by your side" was Renji and Rukia's sacred promise to each other but know Rukia doubted they would be able to keep it.
Farewells between the two old friends were not what Rukia expected and she couldn't accept Renji's departure, so she an after him.
There were two worlds to Rukia now - Renji's the Soul Society and Ichigo's human world - but she knew she belonged with Renji in his.
Rukia was dressed in the formal Shinigami garb, surrounded by twenty other Shinigami, but Renji thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
Renji's presence was like a fever that Rukia couldn't sweat out even in Karakura Town when they were worlds apart and she couldn't get to him if she tried.

#36 Laugh
#37 Lies
#38 Forever
#39 Overwhelmed
#40 Whisper

Renji had an impeccable way of making way of making Rukia laugh when she thought she had forgotten how.
In all their years together, Renji and Rukia didn't feel like there were any lies between the pair until she came back from the human world and had to face the time they lost together.
Renji and Rukia couldn't stay as street urchins forever, so they journeyed to the Soul Academy together to start another adventure.
As Renji refused to let Rukia go and give her to Aizen to stay alive longer, Rukia felt an overwhelming sense of pride and loyalty that her stint in Karakura Town hadn't diminished their friendship entirely.
Laying together with their naked bodies entwined, Rukia couldn't help but whisper words of love and affection to Renji, her friend, her confidante, and her lover.

#41 Wait
#42 Talk
#43 Search
#44 Hope
#45 Eclipse

Renji wouldn't wait any longer, as Rukia stood before him like she always did, he moved swiftly to sweep her up in his embrace and hold her close like he was afraid he'd lose her to the human world, to Ichigo.
Words and meaningless talk was nothing between Renji and Rukia, but it was sometimes all Rukia had to hang onto in the empty nights she was all alone.
Rukia searched Renji's familiar eyes, longing to find answers to her unanswered questions and meaning in her fruitless hope.
All Rukia could do, as she stared at Renji in the dim street lights, was hope that he wouldn't kill Ichigo and make it so she could never forgive him.
Rukia couldn't find from Renji any longer, so she threw herself at him and was relieved when his arms wrapped around her body and held her close as his face was buried in her soft hair.

#46 Gravity
#47 Highway
#48 Unknown
#49 Lock
#50 Breathe

Suddenly, Rukia felt like there was no such thing as gravity as she went from one side of the training ground to the other and screamed with unbridled delight at the sight at Renji's lovely and familiar face.
Rukia had troubled understanding the modern marvels of Karakura Town when she was still contacted to the Soul Society by her strong and overwhelming feelings for Renji and her refusal to let him go.
Rukia's feelings couldn't be described, and what made it worse was if her unnamed feelings were reciprocated by Renji was unknown to her.
After years on the streets, Rukia had locked away her heart and feelings to make them unreachable, but after Renji proved his loyalty, she kept that he was the only one who could unlock her insides and make her able to trust and perhaps love again.
Renji couldn't breathe when he saw Rukia up there, hanging for dear life, but knowing that her life was about to end unless someone interfered and saved her life.

fanfic: sentences, #fanfic: bleach, !fanfic

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