So i'm sick again, ain't that just great. Yup, i hate bein sick, it sucks. Blahh n i have 2 tests next week, both for chemistry. That realli sucks n i also have my drivin test which i am rite nervous for. Oh ya next week is gunna kick sum ass, not.
Well it has been a realli realli long past few days. Two major tests and I am stressed to the max. I can't wait till tomorrow when I get to take a bit of a breather. Whooo i have no idea what i'm gunna do but NO TESTS!!! and thats always a good thing.
Hey everyone, well I am realli realli bored rite now, HAPPY B-DAY SCOTT. Stupid chemistry test. Well I have no idea what I am gunna do today to amuse myself. Must find sumthin to do lol. Ya well thats all I realli have to say. BYE!!!!