
Nov 16, 2012 23:20

Title: Tears
Fandom: Heroes
Rating|Genre: pg | femslash, angst
Pairing: Claire/Gretchen
Summary: There are dangers in the darkness of the night that Claire can’t fight…
Word count: 542
Spoilers|Warnings: No.
Notes: For heroes_contest Oneshot Challenge #37.

Claire always slept well when she slept with Gretchen. The scent of her silky, soft hair and the warmth of her body made Claire fall asleep so easily. Even if the day had been long and hard, filled with too many people, even if Gretchen and she had had a fight, everything was usually forgotten in the darkness of their bedroom.

Claire liked the darkness; she felt safe there.

Gretchen, on the other hand, didn’t always sleep so well. Sometimes, she would wake up sobbing, or even screaming, and it would take many soft kisses and soft touches and even more soft words before she was calm again.

Claire wiped the tears off Gretchen’s face when she had fallen asleep and she wished there was something more that she could do, but there wasn’t.

Demons. Gretchen dreamed about demons, every time, the same dream, or almost.

There was something, she said, something that was coming for Claire. It came from nowhere. Suddenly, there was a hole in the ground and there was smoke and fire and this something that wasn’t human came out. Evil eyes; red, evil eyes and a mouth greater than the universe. And this non-human thing, this demon from another world, grabbed Claire even though Gretchen tried to hold on to her, and then there was another one, and then… and then… and then…

It didn’t matter what Claire said about it. It didn’t matter that she promised, over and over again, that there were no such things as demons and that nothing would ever come between them and that Claire would always protect her no matter what. Even if Claire said all those things, and more, Gretchen still had the same dream.

It had seemed strange, at first. If anyone were going to have nightmares, it should have been Claire. She was the one who had been through all kinds of things. But no, she always slept well, except when Gretchen’s tears woke her.

Perhaps it wasn’t strange at all. Claire knew that of all the frightening things they could find in the world, people were the only real danger. And at the end of the day, even the worst of the worst could change for the better, and the only thing they could all do was to move forward and try to make the world a better place for everyone. So why be afraid of things that weren’t even real? She saw no reason at all to be afraid of the dark.

But Gretchen couldn’t see it quite like that. Maybe because it was still too new to her, new and confusing, and the line between human and demon was maybe a little too blurry and vague in her eyes…

It made Claire sad, more so than she ever admitted.

Because she could protect Gretchen against almost any danger; there was almost nothing she was afraid of anymore - except Gretchen’s tears. She did not know how to fight things that weren’t real, how to make them go away.

She hoped that time and patience, and love, would do the trick, but she hadn’t seen it yet. And she hated the demons, because if they could torment her lover so, then something about them was real after all…

prompt: heroes_contest, pairing: claire/gretchen, genre: angst, character: claire bennet, genre: femslash, !fanfic, rating: pg, *fandom: heroes

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