
Nov 20, 2012 13:23

The last time I said anything about Bleach, I said that ”Mission: Rescue Rukia” is taking forever… Well, I was only on the 30-something episodes then, and today I watched episode 57!

But, back then, I felt that they were just treading water, not getting anywhere. Ichigo and his friends, I mean. (My interest in the fighting scenes is actually… not that great.) I was more interested again when the people inside of Soul Society became more interesting, when it became clear that they’re not that homogenous as a group, quite the opposite. Their rivalry, friendships, their background stories and everything that goes on there that has nothing to do with Ichigo, but that obviously needed his arrival to be shown.

So yes, I like this. But maybe I haven’t been paying attention properly because sometimes I am a little confused as to who is siding with whom and why. (But I expect it all to become more or less clear later. It’s nothing compared to my confusion the first time I watched Gakuen Heaven; I found it so hard to separate some of the characters! And they’re not really that identical! Well, but even Kyou Kara Maou confused me. “Wait, who is Hube again? How is he related to Gwendal? What’s going on?”…)

I noticed that I really do care when Captain Aizen was killed. And that’s funny, because I realized of course that I’ve got no reason to like him, because I hadn’t seen enough of him to have an opinion of him as a character. No, I based it all on the fact that from the little I had seen of him, I just thought that he looked like a very “nice guy”. And the way that girl (I can’t believe I can never remember their names!) reacted made me believe that I was right. Also, that guy with the constant wide, stupid grin on his face - I disliked him as soon as I saw him!! So I was content to learn that Rukia also disliked him at first sight…

But then there was something - I have forgotten what it was! - that I didn’t understand and I wanted to look it up. In doing so, I read just a little too much about something I obviously shouldn’t know at this point! So I believe the lesson from this is to not “judge a book by its cover”… *lol* I’m actually kind of relieved…

Anyway, today I watched the backstory of Yoruichi and Soi Fon (or Sui-Feng or whatever - another reason why I can’t remember names is the different ways they can be written), anyway, that very, very angry fighting girl… When they first began fighting I was like, “OMG, why is she so angry?! And I don’t believe that Yoruichi can’t fight back properly!” Now I see that her anger comes from 100 years of being sad and hurt, and then to have Yoruichi back like that must have been quite a shock… So, I was watching this, and when I came to the scene with the moonlight and all those pink little flower petals in the air, I just knew that there has to be femslash to be found at!!

But I’m usually wrong when I get ideas like that - usually, I can find only a handful of fics, or even just one or two, for the pairings I imagine! So I was pleased to see that there is quite a lot of fics! (Even if it’s really not that many, compared to the total number of Bleach fanfiction!!) I haven’t read any, I just wanted to confirm that it exists. ;) I haven’t read any Bleach fanfic because I’m still so new to it that it doesn’t feel like it would make sense, I’d rather watch more episodes first and get to know the characters better.

I wrote my first KKM fic after the end of S2. Because when Yuuri left Shin Makoku and they all were thinking (except Murata, I suppose) that he wasn’t going to come back… I just had to write out that little scene from Wolfram’s point of view. I mean, I’d never write a Wolf/Yuuri happy end fic (because it just can’t happen!!), but that doesn’t mean that I can’t relate to what it feels like to watch the one you love leave, knowing that you’re not loved in return and that you’ll never ever meet again….. But I didn’t post that one. I believe the first one I posted was Gwendal/Yozak. :) After that, I just had to write more and more… :)

Oh, I just remembered that I was re-watching season 3… I stopped when I began watching all that other stuff.

*fandom: bleach, !journal | media: anime, !journal, *fandom: kyou kara maou

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