Title: Sunny Side
Fandom: Heroes
Rating|Genre: pg? | slash, …fluff…
Pairing: Peter/Sylar
Summary: Not too early in the morning; two men, a conversation about eggs, and brief musings on the past.
Word count: 379
Spoilers|Warnings: No. | Well, personally I find the imagery a little bit disturbing at the end but I don’t know, maybe it’s just me…
Notes: Yes, again! *lost in confusion* Written for the prompt "If you make my eggs sunny side up I will destroy you" by
mahmfic at
”Gabriel, you’re up!”
Peter smiled, but the man formely known as Sylar (some people still called him that but Peter prefered Gabriel) only grunted something that could be interpreted as ’shut up’.
“I tried to wake you”, Peter said, “but you wouldn’t move.”
Peter’s lover (dressed only in his underwear) still refused to speak coherently and Peter shrugged and turned back to his breakfast plate. Gabriel was always in a bad mood in the mornings and Peter had learned not to take it personally.
Peter had already eaten egg and bacon and was now eating a bowl with milk and cereals. He learned to eat a steady breakfast when he was little and that was one of the childhood habits he had kept (during times when circumstances allowed) during the years.
“You and your disgusting sugary stuff”, Gabriel snorted. He despised Peter’s favorite cereals with a passion.
“I can make you some eggs”, Peter offered. “I would have saved you some, but I didn’t know when you were planning on getting up, and they would be cold by now anyway.”
Gabriel shivered at the thought of cold fried eggs.
“Thanks”, he said. “I’d love some eggs… but remember, if you make my eggs sunny side up I will destroy you.”
Peter didn’t reply to the comment; he had heard it before, and although he didn’t really think Gabriel would kill him, he saw no reason to force him to eat something he didn’t like.
As he cracked the eggs into the frying pan he wondered what was so terrible with ‘the sunny side’. It was not about a general dislike of sunshine, he knew that much. It must have something to do with the yolk, he thought. If an egg was fried with the sunny side up, then the yolk was still running; if you put your fork in it, the yellow spread over the plate…
Although an egg yolk is yellow, Peter supposed that there was something about it that reminded the man formerly known as Sylar about things he had done in the past; things he could never undo or repay, or forget…
Well, Peter thought, the least I can do is to let him eat his breakfast in peace and let an egg be an egg.