Open Door

Feb 16, 2011 20:05

Title: Open Door
Fandom: Heroes
Rating/Genre: R/femslash
Pairing: Angela/Heidi
Summary: Angela knows that people think she doesn’t like Heidi but now she wants to reconcile. As she walks in on the young woman doing something very… private, she realize that their reconciliation can bring them even closer together than what she thought was possible…
Word count: 2 778
Spoilers/Warnings: No./masturbation, voyeurism
Notes: Another fumbling attempt at smut, written for oneshot challenge # 27 (“In Hindsight”) at heroes_contest, with an especially warm dedication to lynchgrrrl88; the grrrl who understand this thing I have for Angela. ;)

Angela knew that people thought that she didn’t like Heidi much. Heidi, no doubt, thought about her as ‘my difficult mother-in-law’. She kept her distance and as a result Heidi was acting just as cold towards her.

There was nothing much wrong with the way they acted, there was no hostility. But there was also no warmth or affection to speak of, even if it had been a little easier since the boys were born. If only just a little easier: they rarely agreed about anything, which had become sort of a family joke. People thought of it as normal. Angela was stern, proud and haughty even…

But Heidi. It wasn’t in Heidi’s nature to close her heart and act so correctly but indifferently to a person who should have been so close to her. They were a family and in the beginning, Heidi had tried. As Nathan’s young fiancée, she had wanted, naturally, to build up a good relationship with his parents but Angela had been rather unresponsive.

It was not because she disapproved of Nathan’s choice. It was not because she didn’t like Heidi. No, quite the opposite, actually. Angela liked Heidi very much.

Angela had always had a soft spot for sweet, gentle brunettes. This particular one had hair like soft silk, cream-colored skin, and a very kissable red mouth. And she was a good woman, a good mother, and Nathan couldn’t have found a better wife, had he looked in every corner of the world.

But she had realized that she had to be careful around her young daughter-in-law, or else she would risk disturbing the balance and peace of the family. So, for the sake of the greater good, Angela pushed her attraction aside and acted as if she felt something like the opposite, as a safety measure.

In hindsight, she could see that she had chosen the wrong approach. Her act had gone too far and had perhaps resulted in what she had been trying to avoid.

Angela didn’t like to look Heidi in the eyes anymore. Not because her eyes were cold, but because she saw pain in them, and loneliness. Angela had never wanted that but she had helped making it happen.

It had been all right, at least that’s what Angela thought, as long as everything was fine between Heidi and her son. But Nathan didn’t only work late all weekdays, he was also distant during the weekends. And often busy, too, ogling other women. If Angela had noticed, then surely it hadn’t escaped Heidi’s attention, because the young woman was very bright. She didn’t only have the dark beauty of a Petrelli, but also the brains of one.

And Angela had dreamed of a young blonde woman. The kind of woman who had been exactly Nathan’s type before he did the sensible thing and married Heidi; Angela had been dreaming of this woman in Nathan’s arms.

She didn’t know when her son was getting involved with the person, but she knew that it was going to happen, and she guessed that Heidi was going to find out about it sooner or later. The girl would be in need of support. Cheated on by her husband, and add to that an estranged mother-in-law, her relatives far away… There were Peter and Arthur of course, and the boys, but Heidi was going to need the support of another woman.

Of course she knew that she couldn’t just walk in there and say a few kind words and pretend like they had always been best friends. That would look strange and Heidi was going to be suspicious and think that she had ulterior motives. But she didn’t have any ulterior motives. She had only decided to drop the act and her fear of exposing herself, because she wanted to finally become the support she was supposed to be.

She had to be careful. She decided that the best approach was via the boys, because it was natural after all that she took an interest in them. Little by little, step by step, she was going to act nicer, like a friend. Heidi was going to like her again, just like she had been trying to do when she was a young bride.

Angela felt content and ready when she went to see Heidi one Saturday morning when Nathan had gone away with Arthur over the weekend. The housekeeper let her in, saying that she believed Heidi wasn’t up yet, but that she could go and ask. Angela waved the woman off, quite capable of finding her way in that house, and went to look for Heidi upstairs.

Heidi can’t possibly be asleep, she thought. The boys were still very young and Angela remembered like it was yesterday how active in the mornings Peter had been, and Nathan before him, in Monty and Simon’s age.

Angela stopped outside Heidi’s half-open bedroom door. She heard faint moaning sounds, as if the woman was in pain.

Was she sick? Angela could hardly believe it; Heidi was naturally strong - a good immune defence - and she rarely even had a cold. But it has to happen sometimes for every normal person… Still, it worried Angela that Heidi was lying there all alone feeling unwell.

Angela peeped into the dark room, lit up only by the daylight that was coming in from the only half-closed blinds. She got more worried when she saw that Heidi was moving restlessly under her sheets. Was it something with her stomach?

Then she noticed that there was a certain rhythm to the movements and Heidi didn’t really sound like she was in pain, more like…

Oh my God, Angela thought with a gasp, when she realized what Heidi was doing, and she took a step back. At the same time, she felt herself getting excited at the sight that was before her; she had never witnessed anybody masturbating before… Admittedly, she had never thought she wanted to but now she was unable to walk away.

And then she heard it.

“Angela…”, Heidi whispered, “Angela…”

She can see me, Angela thought, and was ready to move away, when she realized that Heidi couldn’t see her because her eyes were closed.

Angela held her breath and tried to take in the idea that the young woman was having fantasies about her while she touched herself. It was unlikely. Heidi didn’t even like her. She must be thinking about some other Angela…

She had no idea who Heidi’s friends were. She had no real idea about what her life was like and she realized that if Heidi had a crush on some woman, Angela was not going to be the first one to know about it.

But it was her name, even if it belonged to someone else too. The sound of her name coming from Heidi’s mouth was the loveliest sound she had heard in a very long time. It made her nipples tingle and harden, and there was an unmistakable flood of wetness between her legs.

She shook her head at her own thoughts. She almost felt like she was caught in a dream, one of those other kinds of dreams. No, she told herself, no, this can’t be happening… Why am I even here?

But she had thought she knew why she was there. She was there because she wanted to talk to Heidi and if she got a little help and encouragement she wanted to eventually become a good mother-in-law. What she didn’t want was to watch those movements in there become heavier and quicker, just like Heidi’s breathing and just like Angela’s own breathing.

I should have known, she scolded herself. I should have known better. If I get close to her, I’ll give in and nothing good will come of it. Only pain will come of it. I will look back on this day and think of it as the day when I finally admitted to myself that I am lusting after my son’s wife, and it will be an insight to regret. I’ll have to distance myself even further from her.

The bed wasn’t far from the door, and thanks to the light creeping in from the window, Angela could see the other woman’s eyelids flutter. Just as she wondered if she was busted being a voyeur, Heidi panted:

“Oh, Angela… come to me!”

Who can resist an invitation?

Angela pushed the door open and walked up to the bed, a bit unsure about what to do. The thoughts she just had admitted to having, they used to be pushed far, far away in the darkest corner of her mind. But perhaps so many other things were gathered there by now that she didn’t have room for any more. Inappropriate sexual thoughts were not usually what she considered great sins anyway and that barrier was already broken now.

Angela had taken a few steps closer and it would have been pointless to try to pretend that she wanted anything else than to uncover the body and see with her own eyes what those hands were doing under the sheets, not that she didn’t have a pretty good idea… And she wanted to be in that bed, naked. Yes, she wanted that - but there was not much time to do anything or even think anything; she watched with fascination and growing excitement the expression on Heidi’s face as she came.

“Heidi…”, Angela mumbled.

Heidi opened her eyes immediately, and they were dimmed at first, but then the expression in them turned to horror.

“Angela! What are you doing here?”

Angela flinched and almost took a step back. The look on Heidi’s face was almost the same as the look of a Level 5 prisoner. Fear mixed with anger and defiance.

“I heard my name and thought you invited me in. Before that, I came about the boys.”

Heidi blushed deeply and mumbled:

“They’re not here. They are with Peter today. Oh my god…”

“Oh no”, Angela said quickly, “don’t apologize.”

She didn’t know what to say that could make the situation less awkward. She knew that most people would say that it’s normal common sense not to walk in on someone in such a situation but it was too late to undo it. And there was desire in Heidi’s eyes, too, behind the anger.

At least that was what Angela thought. Was it only wishful thinking?

“I’m not apologizing…” Heidi’s voice trembled slightly, but she looked Angela sternly in the eyes. “I’m not, because this is my home, and anything I do in my own bedroom is my own business…”

“Of course”, Angela interrupted. “I agree with you. I’m the one who should apologize, but at the same time it seems uncalled for…”

Angela took a small step closer, and she could see Heidi get tense as if a wild, if not dangerous, animal was approaching her. The thought made Angela smirk. Like a hunting feline, she always went after what she wanted and played with it a little. Almost always anyway.

“Because”, she went on, “I got the impression that you somehow wanted me to come in.”

Heidi looked down, biting her lower lip, as if she was evaluating her options and tried to calculate the best outcome of all possible answers.

“I did”, she said, slowly, “but I wouldn’t have wanted it if I knew you were here…”

“Fair enough. I mean, I can only assume that there is some logic to your words. Something that escapes me at the moment.”

Heidi was breathing loudly and Angela regretted her harsh tone of voice. She was the one who had been doing something wrong and she had meant to stop talking to Heidi like that. It had always been easy, far too easy, to let her sharp tongue shape every word she fired away. By the time Heidi came into her life it was already an old habit to pretend that she couldn’t act any differently.

Bad habits are not unbreakable, she told herself, and she inhaled, getting ready to speak up and apologize, but Heidi spoke first.

“No”, she said, “I can’t say there is any logic. Not if logic is what you want. I don’t even know why you’re still in here; I guess you’re waiting for some kind of explanation. Well, I can only tell you that I like you best when I can’t see you because that makes me remember how I could like you if you didn’t make it so hard. I know it’s stupid but I can’t make myself not wanting you to like me and I kind of hate myself for having feelings for you.”

Well, Angela though, that’s one hell of a declaration! But perhaps I’ve deserved it, whatever it means.

“But you can’t have feelings for me. Not when I’m treating you this way…”

“I don’t care how you treat me. You’re beautiful and strong and so admirable in every way… except that you don’t seem to care about me and you don’t see how hard I try to win your approval…”

Angela bent down and silenced her with a kiss.

She had wanted it to be soft and gentle, like Heidi deserved, but it happened to be rather hard and possessive, because of the desperation she felt. She was afraid she was making a mistake but she couldn’t resist any longer and that’s why she kissed the young woman as if it was the last thing she was ever going to do. She wanted Heidi and if Heidi wanted her to want her, then why shouldn’t she take her?

Heidi gasped for air when Angela finally released her mouth but she came back for more immediately. She wrapped her arms around Angela and kissed her back with the same fervour.

“Damn you woman”, she whispered, “why are you kissing me? I thought you hated me.”

Angela could feel her face getting wet, and she realized that Heidi had tears in her eyes.

“No”, she said, eagerly wiping the tears away from Heidi’s cheeks, “I could never hate you; I adore you… that’s why I’ve kept pushing you away…”

Heidi stared at her. Her eyes were at once begging for more kisses and ready to shy away again.

“Now where the hell is the logic in that?”

“I don’t know”, Angela said helplessly.

She was sitting on the bedside, Heidi only inches away from her was still not relaxed. Angela wanted nothing else than to make Heidi understand that she didn’t have to be embarrassed, that she didn’t have anything to fear.

“Look”, she said eagerly, “the sun is shining outside, it feels like spring. A perfect day for a new beginning. I came here to apologize for everything. Then, when I saw that you were… I came in her because I thought you wanted me to and I wouldn’t have done it unless I wanted to…”

Heidi looked up on her. Angela could feel her hesitation.

“Don’t you get it”, she said slowly, “I think you’re wonderful and my son doesn’t deserve you…”

The truth was slowly dawning on Heidi and she began to smile. Something in Angela’s heart began to melt. It was not just a fever dream that had nothing to do with reality. No, the reality was that Heidi had chosen to spend a morning alone in bed, thinking about her…

Angela looked forward to finding out more about Heidi’s thoughts.

“Yes”, she went on, “you’re wonderful, and next time you feel like doing that, I’d like to watch you…”

“Watch me? What do you call what you’ve just been doing?”

“I mean”, Angela tugged at the sheet that covered Heidi, “that I’d like to see more of you.”

To see, that’s what she wanted, but also to touch. The room was suddenly so hot, so full of possibilities. The house was so quiet, so empty….

Heidi watched her as she began to get undressed. Her blue-gray eyes were like skies with no limit. Unlimited desire.

Come what may, Angela thought. She didn’t really care. She didn’t regret anything anymore. And anyway Nathan didn’t seem that interested in Heidi anymore so what harm could it do? From now on, she was going to treat Heidi the way she deserved to be treated. That was the one thing she was absolutely certain of.

“It’s easier”, she said, “to have foresight than hindsight.”

“Yes…” Heidi blinked. “No, wait; it’s the other way around…”

“Sorry”, Angela replied and removed the last piece of clothing. “My mistake; wrong phrasing. What I meant was: with a good plan for future actions you don’t have to regret anything later.”


prompt: heroes_contest, character: heidi petrelli, for lynchgrrrl88, character: angela petrelli, genre: femslash, !fanfic, length: oneshot, rating: r, pairing: angela/heidi, *fandom: heroes

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