Fic recomendations, Fanny and French

Feb 19, 2011 15:25

I should be studying Huis clos a little more because we’ll go visit my brother and his family tomorrow (nephew’s b-day!) and my grandmother will come to us tonight, but I just feel like saying a few things here right now.

First, fic recommendations. I’m not sure how many Matt/Mohinder people I have on my friend’s list, so I guess this is mostly for cmarie972: Fluff and Family was written by kidarania_nika because I like fluff! So if you can relate to that, go read it.

Then something that almost made my brain explode last night: ubiquitousmuse has written a GABY/PIERRETTE FIC. The world needed that, you all know that, right?! Not About Love. I just don’t understand why not more people have written 8 femmes fanfic, it’s a complete mystery.

Anyway, while looking through some excerpts from adaptations of Huis clos, I happened to rediscover this little Ardant & Deneuve interview about 8 femmes.

It must be more than four years since I saw it the first time and my French was more than rusty then. It has improved a lot but it’s still difficult for me to follow when people speak in such a speed as Catherine Deneuve does here! But I understand some of it, even if I was distracted by looking at Fanny. (Sure, I can’t deny that la Deneuve is gorgeous but Fanny owns my heart and that’s it!) She’s so not Pierrette in real life… ;) I still need to get my hands on Visage and Cendres et sang… I know that the latter got bad reviews but I just refuse to believe it; I’m sure they just don’t understand her.

And I’m asking myself if I should see Chloe or not. I think I will, even if I was totally against the idea when I first heard of it. I still think it seems a bit… I don’t know… but I have a better understanding for fanfiction by now, so I get the idea. I would love the person who decides to write Nathalie fanfic (not that I haven’t tried…) so why not watch the movie…

Okay, back to Sartre. First, I’ll share one more link with you: this is a part of an interview about L’odore del sangue (I’d like to re-watch that one [oh my god have Fanny ever been more gorgeous and illumintated?!] but it’s in Italian and the only reason I could understand it was because inantares guided me through it…) and I’m glad I saw it because *phew* I understand what they’re saying. Okay, one of my life goals is to be able to follow Deneuve-speed; I’m so not there yet. I guess that must be part of the definition of “fluency.” ;)

Watching random Fanny videos on the internet is studying, right?! (Playing around with my LJ trying to get a new good layout [I’m not entirely happy with this one - I'd like to have a more "streched out" header...] is most definitely not…) I should check my email and see if the fourth member of the study group has replied yet. I don’t really understand how they can expect group work from an online class! I’m so frustrated by the fact that our little university here soon doesn’t have any classes on campus anymore.

« Les raisons d’amour sont toujours obscures » says Fanny in this video. I like it when she says things like that!! <3 <3 <3

À bientôt, mes amis !

P.S. I’m not sure if this belongs here or with selma08 because I’m talking so much about Fanny Ardant and French… but I’ll say that this is mostly fic-related and I don’t know if there are still any Fanny-fans on selma08’s flist anyway.

P.P.S. I've dited this like four times now for typos...

*fandom: nathalie..., !fic recommendations, *fandom: 8 femmes, !journal | fangirl squee, !journal, !french, *fandom: heroes, !journal | person: fanny ardant

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