DWP: Imaginary Music

Mar 15, 2010 22:46

Title: Imaginary Music
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada
Rating/Genre: G/femslash
Characters/Pairing: Miranda Priestly/Andrea Sachs
Summary: One night when Andrea delivered the Book, she surprised Miranda by asking her to dance.
Word count: 200
Spoilers/Warnings: None of the kind.
Notes: for femslash100, prompt # 227: Dance

One night when Andrea delivered the Book, she surprised Miranda by asking her to dance.

Miranda looked at her young assistant in mute amazement, heard her say that it would be relaxing and give her new energy; something a hard-working woman needed.

How did an assistant dare to talk to her boss about imaginary music, how did she dare to touch her arm, her hand?

But she did. And perhaps it was her unexpected - and seemingly childlike - boldness that made Miranda move closer to the girl, and she allowed Andrea to lead her out on the floor.

When was the last time she danced to imaginary music?

Andrea held her. Miranda began to rest her head on Andrea’s shoulder…

And then she pushed the girl away and told her to stop that nonsense immediately.

Andrea did not insist. She left, and Miranda reminded herself that if she wanted to dance with somebody, it wouldn’t be with her.

Next time the assistant brought her the Book, she hardly looked up, and said “That’s all” before Andrea had spoken one word.

But Miranda couldn’t help herself. She heard the echo of soft music in her head for the rest of the night.

pairing: miranda/andy, *fandom: the devil wears prada, rating: g, character: miranda priestly, prompt: femslash100, genre: femslash, !fanfic, character: andy sachs

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