DWP: When was the last time you danced?

Mar 16, 2010 20:38

Title: When was the last time you danced?
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada
Rating/Genre: g/femslash
Characters/Pairing: Andy/Miranda
Summary: To get the attention off her giant yawn, Andy starts talking about dancing; much to Miranda’s astonishment - could her bold suggestion even get her fired?
Word count: 741
Notes: I started writing this in response to challenge #227: Dance at femslash100, but I saw quickly that this was going to be a little too long for the community’s rules (no more than 250 words). When I finished this, I still tried to write a shorter version for the community. Short is challenging to me… ;) If you like, it would be interesting to know if you like the shorter or the longer version best! Imaginary Music (200 words) can be found here. (That one happened to be Miranda’s point of view.)

Andy loved to deliver the Book, because it gave her a few more moments together with Miranda. She could never have believed it when she first came to Runway, but since then she had embraced the fact that Miranda was the best part of her job.

Miranda didn’t speak to her much in the evenings, she wasn’t getting personal at all; she was the same Miranda as in the office. But somehow it felt very special to be in her home. As if Miranda, once she was in her own private sphere, could no longer hide her true self as much as she did in daylight. At least, that was what Andy felt; that no matter how little Miranda spoke to her, it was still something, and it was meaningful.

Miranda’s eyes were warm. Most people, Andy thought, were too afraid of it to see it. Admittedly, her own respect for her impressive boss was huge, but she had begun to fall for her, and that made all the difference. When you fall for someone, you can’t help it - you have to take every opportunity to search and find a glimpse of their true self.

As she was about to leave, she was attacked by a giant yawn; she tried to fight it but failed. Why couldn’t she have waited until Miranda had turned away?

Miranda’s eyes narrowed.

“I didn’t realize that delivering the Book is such a boring job.”

“I’m sorry Miranda; I’m not bored! I’m just a little tired…”

Andy gulped. That was not the right thing to say.

“Is the job too much for you, Andrea?”

As Andy shook her head, terrified by the idea that Miranda would think that she couldn’t keep up with Runway’s speed anymore, a wild idea flew through her head, and before she could stop herself, she said:

“Most of the time I feel efficient, and I like that. But of course you work harder than anyone. Do you ever have time to relax, Miranda? When was the last time you danced, for instance?”

Miranda stared at her young assistant in amazement.

Andy had no idea where she got her courage as she moved closer to her boss and said:

“Come on, why don’t we dance a little? It’s relaxing; it will help you concentrate on the Book.”

“What has gotten into you?”, the beautiful woman said, and Andy could read consternation in her eyes, and maybe even a glimpse of curiosity.

You can never win if you don’t try, Andy said to herself. She took Miranda’s hand.

“Dance with me.”

“Andrea!” Miranda exclaimed, but she didn’t pull her hand away, and Andy dared to put her arms around her.

“Listen to the music”, she said, almost in a whisper.

“What music?”

“Hush,” Andy said, “listen… in your head. Pretend, Miranda; can’t you hear it?”

Will I get fired for this? Andy thought, and her heart pounded, but to her surprise and joy, Miranda started to follow her soft movements, as if she really heard the music Andy was thinking about. She stayed in Andy’s arms as if she found it comfortable there, and the soft pressure of her body made Andy dizzy and hot.

But it lasted only for a moment.

Miranda broke free and took two quick steps back.

“That’s enough, Andrea. Stop this nonsense.”

Miranda pressed her lips together and her eyes were glowing with a dark fire that looked like rage.

“Go home”, she said, her voice sharp as a diamond cutting through glass, “and get some sleep. I will not have you yawning in my presence again.”

So I’m not fired, Andy thought.

“Miranda, I…”

“That’s all.”

Andy thought it best not to push her luck, and she left quickly.

But she likes to dance, she thought, we will do it again some day. Not too soon… but I’m sure that just now, when she relaxed, if only for two seconds, she liked the way I held her. And she will want to do it again.

Andy knew that she couldn’t be too sure of herself. If she was too blunt, moved too quickly, Miranda would probably push her away with all her force. After all, she was a married woman with kids, and Andy was just a girl.

But she belongs in my arms, Andy’s heart whispered on her way home, I just know it. And one day, she’ll know it too, and she will stay there.

!fanfic, genre: femslash, *fandom: the devil wears prada, rating: g, character: miranda priestly, length: oneshot, character: andy sachs

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