Yesterday, in my fruitless search for the less known dramas and movies Arata Iura has been in, I thought about this song. I haven't even listened to in ages, but it just hit me that it describes me pretty well, in some ways.
I don't think it's actually about celebrity crushes, but it very well could be, in my opinion!
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I don't actually write love
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Comments 18
Mireille Mathieu! Lägga av! Säg inte att du faktiskt har varit och sett henne på konsert? Wow! Hur var hon?
Nej, det är ju inte så ofta man hör något om Mireille Mathieu nu för tiden, men nog vet jag vem hon är alltid. Jag har inte hört många låtar av henne, men jag minns att det var speciellt EN som jag älskade när jag var liten. Tyvärr, så kommer jag inte ihåg vad den heter. Bara att det var en stor hit i Sverige också.
Åh! Och har du sett miniserien "Till Vi Möts Igen" med Michael York från 1989? Mireille Mathieu sjunger titel låten på slutet. Tjusigt. "Only Love" tror jag den heter.
I have no idea about her though, this was probably the first time I heard about her.
I like her because she's a very good actress with an expressive face, a sexy voice, and she's simply gorgeous. And because she plays the piano and loves literature (especially Marguerite Duras <3) and art. She says interesting things in interviews, and she rarely speaks of her personal life, but prefers to talk about acting, books and things like how much she loves trees, and stuff... Well, I haven't been actively fangirling for quite a while, but I still remember reading some things, ( ... )
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