Comme une adolescente...

Sep 13, 2013 13:43

Yesterday, in my fruitless search for the less known dramas and movies Arata Iura has been in, I thought about this song. I haven't even listened to in ages, but it just hit me that it describes me pretty well, in some ways.
I don't think it's actually about celebrity crushes, but it very well could be, in my opinion!

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I don't actually write love letters, like the song says. Not even fan letters, these days. But I did write something for Fanny Ardant once... did I ever tell you about it? Maybe not, because it's a bit silly, but okay, here's the story:

This was during those days before I used LJ, when I spent a lot of time reading a blog by a young woman in Argentina. Even though it was in Spanish, I tried my very best to read it and the blog was very image-heavy, and I did not know where else to discuss Fanny Ardant's movies, so the language barrier didn't seem that important... Anyway, we sort of formed our own little fanclub there; most of us commenters were the same five to seven people. We all tried to write in French, but it was mostly mixed with English and/or Spanish. After a year or two, it felt like we were all good friends. :)

One of the girls happened to live in Paris, and once, she had the opportunity to go to some event where Fanny Ardant was going to read something... We were all very excited about this. And somebody got the idea that we should write a letter together. We couldn't actually write it together (living in different time zones and all) but each of us sent Lily a few lines, and she combined it all and made an international letter! I have absolutely no recollection at all of what I wrote... I think something about which ones of her movies I liked the best or something...

Lily went to this thing, and later, she walked up to Fanny Ardant and gave her the letter, saying in was a letter from "the whole world"... and Fanny, she later reported, seemed very surprised but in a good way. :)

(It was almost from the whole world: Argentina, Taiwan, Spain, Sweden, France, Italy, and maybe some more country I don't remember! Later, an American woman joined our circle...)

I'm still not sure if this was too silly or not (considering we were all in our 20's or older) but we thought it made sense back then to do this.

And then, of course, I was told by my hardcore fangirl friends that it would be appropriate to write something on a pretty card when we went to see Mireille Mathieu, so I did. Perhaps she sang this song for her fans, to show her understanding of "adolescent" idolization of someone unattainable and far away from real life...

!journal, !journal | my so-called life, !journal | person: mireille mathieu, !journal | person: fanny ardant

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