Title: overdue (continuation of
veneer, part 2/5)
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Angst
Pairings: Khunyoung, mentions of Khuntoria
Summary: Wooyoung learns that you only miss certain things in life when its gone. A continuation to veneer, but can be read independent to it.
A/N: so when i wrote veneer, many said they would like a continuation, so somehow I ended up not with one, but 4 drabble parts for it... because I cant link it all in one long piece coherently, because it will jump here, there and everywhere, and the pieces all have different concepts (kind of). So in the end the whole thing will be split into 5 parts. Sorry for the time it took to complete this, I worked on it in parallel. Good news is that next parts should come soon :)
overdue: (oh-ver-doo): Having deserved or needed something for some time:
eg. he was overdue for some leave
veneer Wooyoung has always been a boy who doesn't express himself very well, who doesn't open up his hearts to anyone, let alone strangers. Who keeps feelings at bay and arms himself with a poker face and sharp words to shield himself from possible future disappointments. This made the others think that he is just one kid devoid of feelings, the one who instead of greeting everyone with a huge smile to get into their good books at first encounter, was sitting in the corner with his headphones on, creating his own bubble others are too afraid to burst. Squeamish, ignorant and proud, many perceive him that way, and Wooyoung never made an effort into changing what people think of him.
Wooyoung has always been the type who keeps his distance with people, because Wooyoung is an individualist that believes that he could survive by himself, and wouldn't seek help from others if he knows its something he can solve, or can try solving. This is why the concept of being cared by someone is very foreign for Wooyoung. So when Nichkhun started to evade his privacy, all for the excuse of fanservice, Wooyoung starts to feel suffocated. Not only because Nichkhun is venturing into places where none had been, but also the sudden shower of ruffles on the hair and pinches on the cheeks, twinkling smiles and winks, samgyupsal meals and starbucks caramel macchiato, fried chickens and endless tubes of ice cream. Wooyoung had originally thought there was an extra language barrier between them aside from the barriers Wooyoung has put up around himself, but Nichkhun seemed to knock it down and charm his way in so easily.
It was easier to push people away than letting them in, and while Wooyoung is trying to keep people away from his life, Nichkhun was trying to let himself in. But Nichkhun always made sure that he lets Wooyoung into his life first. Nichkhun, someone who is constantly perceived as perfect, wasn't scared to let Wooyoung see his flaws. Hidden flaws that most of the time were hidden in the dark so deep that others wouldn't have access to them. But Nichkhun always let Wooyoung in, and Wooyoung always stands by the door, surveying everything with squinty eyes before Nichkhun pulled him into his sparse room full of secrets. But after a while, Nichkhun has left him inside of that room by himself, before coming back with a girl with huge eyes, fair skin and long black hair. The room that used to only house the two of them has to welcome a new visitor, and Wooyoung doesn't know how long this visitor will stay. So he stepped back into the shadows and tried to make himself invisible, all the while watching the private interactions between Nichkhun and the girl. He finds that there is something not quite right twisting in his stomach, and he doesn't know what it is yet. So he exited the room before it develops into a full-blown pain.
Wooyoung was still learning how to give back, how to show his affection and care towards Nichkhun, when the news of WGM came on. After that it was somehow ten times harder to smile to Nichkhun, to ask if he has eaten, to offer accompanying Nichkhun to the nearby convenience store to get some soju, to come to him and ask him for help with his English exercise book. Wooyoung found himself on square one again, and this time without any clear path. So in the end he continues to do the thing he's best at, to close himself up and wait for others to reach inside and pull him out of the hole he made for himself. However this time Wooyoung was pretty sure it wouldn’t be Nichkhun.
Nichkhun has always been the one that gives more, the one that tries harder, the one who smiles first and the one that initiates everything. So when Nichkhun finally moved away from that role, Wooyoung is lost, where should he start when no one is guiding him anymore? When the news first came, he thinks that he will be relieved to finally have Nichkhun stop sticking to him like a glue twenty-four seven. However slowly he feels emptiness seeping through his being, and he realized that he has taken Nichkhun's presence around him for granted. It is only when their time together starts to dwindle down next to nothing, that their past happy memories resurfaced, and by then Wooyoung knows that it was all too late to try and turn back the tables.
If there’s anything Wooyoung learnt from this, it is that time doesn’t wait for certain people. You have to savour and live on the moment day by day in order not to let it zoom past you without any meaning. The ironic thing is, it is a lesson that could only be learnt by missing out on chances, and for Wooyoung, potentially losing someone, not because of something that he has done, but for something that he failed to do. But Wooyoung doesn’t have the heart to confront Nichkhun and said all what he wanted to say, because he realized that he owed Nichkhun something he deserved long ago. So when Nichkhun began to look for those little things from someone else, Wooyoung can't stop him, because it was something Wooyoung could have done, but didnt, something he should have done, but failed to. There are things he knew Khun expects from him, a hand squeeze, a whisper, a graze on the cheek, a smile that reaches his eyes and Wooyoung knows, they are long overdue.
pretense >
A/N: The next piece of this series should hopefully be up in a week's time :)