Title Coffee: Black Elixer of Life Author/Artist: Ami Ven Rating: G Fandom(s): Bones, Castle, NCIS, Star Trek, Stargate and Torchwood Note(s): maybe not exactly a picSPAM (more like wallpaper panels).
Title: Because It's Christmas Author: Ami Ven Rating: PG Word Count: 300 Prompt: firestar28's Christmas present: Torchwood, Jack/Ianto, Christmas. Merry (late) Christmas! Summary: "Why are you hanging Christmas decoratins?"
Title: Rainy Day Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Word Count: 300 Prompt: firestar28's birthday, a request for Torchwood, Jack/Ianto Summary: It always rained on the days Ianto had errands to run. Note(s): my first ever Torchwood drabble- Happy Birthday and I hope you like it!