Title: Anniversary
Author: Ami Ven
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Abby Sciuto/Tim McGee
Character(s): Tim McGee, Tony DiNozzo
Genre: het.
24_times table two #10 'the tenth time'
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Summary: It's Abby and McGee's anniversary- one of them, at least.
The tenth time McGee went to dial the number for Abby's lab, Tony snatched the phone away from him.
"Give it a break, McLovesick. Abby is fine."
McGee frowned. "How do you know I wasn't calling to check in with Gibbs?"
"With that stupid look on your face?" Tony replied. "I don't think so."
Muttering under his breath, McGee settled back in the sedan's passenger seat.
They were waiting to catch sight of their suspect, who was rumored to have set up shop in this D.C. back alley. It was nearing midnight, though, they had nothing.
"We probably should check in with Gibbs," said McGee, after a moment.
Tony looked at his watch. "Not for another twenty minutes. What's your problem, McWorry?"
His partner scowled. "I do not have a problem and I am not worried. I just have to call Abby one more time tonight."
"Why?" Tony asked suspiciously, holding the phone carefully out of reach.
"Because..." McGee sighed. "Because it's our anniversary."
"Of what?" Not that Tony would ever admit it, but he was actually good remembering that sort of thing- today was nowhere close to the anniversary of any of the times Abby and McGee had started dating.
His partner sighed again. "It's the anniversary of the first time Abby and I hacked into another government agency's database."
"Yes," said McGee, somewhat defensively.
Tony shook his head. "Only you and Abs would think that's something to be celebrated."
"Yes, well, I happen to like Abby for her brain and her beauty. I was planning to take her out to dinner tonight, but I got stuck with you instead."
To McGee's surprise, Tony handed him back the phone. "Make it quick, Probie, but call her. Who am I to stand in the way of True Geek Love?"
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