Title: A Good Word
writerverse challenge #16 july table, prompt #16 ‘give me one chance’
Word Count: 271
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original (
Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: Zeke and Howell serve the people, even the ones who break the law.
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library A Good Word
“Vasco Wilson!” I called, pounding on the peeling door of apartment 9F. “This is the police, open up!”
There was a scrabbling sound from inside, and I exchanged an exasperated look with Howell.
“C’mon, I know you’re in there!”
“Ah, no!,” yelled a voice, in a ridiculously high-pitched falsetto. “He is no here! He is at work, Vasco! This is his grandma!”
“Your grandma’s been dead for six years, Vasco!” I told him. “Look, we’ve got a warrant, and we’ll bust in here if we have to.”
There was a sudden silence, then the door creaked open. “Hi, Zeke, Officer Howell.”
“Hey,” I said, as Howell and I stepped inside. “I’m sorry about this, Vasco, but you’ve violated parole. Again. And we have to take you in.”
He sighed. “I know. It’s just… it’s really hard, you know?”
“I’ve spoken to Judge Cranston,” said Howell. “She knows how hard you’ve been trying, Mr. Wilson, and she’s willing to give you another chance. If you come in with us now, she’s scheduled you a hearing for first thing in the morning.”
“Yeah?” asked Vasco.
“We’ll put in a good word for you,” I added. “Community service instead of jail time, if you cooperate.”
He brightened. “Really? You’d do that?”
“It’s our job to keep the city safe,” I said. “You’re not a danger, you just… have trouble staying on the right side of the law, that’s all.”
“That’s a challenge to do better,” put in Howell. “A little over the line, we can work with, but even the law has limits.”
“Yes, sir,” Vasco agreed. “I’ll come in quietly.”
“Good. Let’s go.”
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