[Stargate: Drabble] "How Faithful Are Your Branches" [John/Rodney, G]

Dec 11, 2015 02:56

Title: How Faithful Are Your Branches
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: Christmas present for melagan
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary: John and Rodney go looking for a Christmas tree.

How Faithful Are Your Branches

“Okay, stop,” said John.

They had been walking through the freshly-fallen snow of P4X-993 for almost twenty minutes. It had taken John three weeks to find the ‘perfect’ planet- using the MALP records and criteria known only to himself- before he’d excitedly asked Rodney come with him to find a Christmas tree. The planet had a space ‘gate and the inhabitants lived on the far side of the largest continent from where they parked the ‘jumper at the edge of a vast forest.

It was still snowing, lazy lacy flakes that stuck to Rodney’s hair and eyelashes as they walked, and he’d been so busy watching them that he kept walking for a moment before he registered what John had said.

John’s scowl deepened and he stepped forward, tugging off his gloves to crowd into Rodney’s personal space and put a hand to his forehead.

“What?” Rodney demanded. “Hey! Your hands are cold, what are you-?”

“I can’t tell if you feel warm,” said John. “Are you sure you’re okay? Because we’ve been out here a while, and you haven’t complained about anything.”

“I’m not feverish, you idiot, I’m…” Rodney trailed off, instead of actually saying ‘in love’. “You just sounded so excited, about the snow, about finding your very own Christmas tree, just like in the movies. It’s not that cold, really, and you’re having fun, I didn’t see the need to complain.”

“Didn’t see the need,” John repeated, grinning now. “Because I’m having fun.”

“Yes,” said Rodney. “Is the cold affecting your brain, Sheppard, even with all that hair?”

John continued grinning. “You’re out here, in the snow, looking for a Christmas tree, because you love me.”

“Maybe,” Rodney allowed, and John practically beamed at him.

“Cool,” he said, and pulled Rodney into a deep, warm kiss.


Current Mood:


gift, christmas, drabble, john/rodney, stargate atlantis

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