[Original: Drabble] "One Shot" [Zeke Jones, G]

Dec 08, 2015 22:37

Title: One Shot
Prompt: writerverse challenge #16 july table, prompt #08 ‘extinction’
Word Count: 272
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original ( Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: Zeke is shot, but not because she’s a cop.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

One Shot

Getting shot hurt much worse than I remembered. Of course, I had only been shot once before, but it’s the kind of thing that makes a lasting impression. I felt like every nerve was on fire, but also oddly numb, my brain distantly recognizing the slick feeling of blood beneath my fingers, even as I felt the sharper, more localized pain that meant the bullet had probably nicked a rib on its way through my midsection.

I shivered, suddenly cold despite the warm summer air, and that was when my knees gave out. Howell caught me before I could hit the ground, his larger hands doing a much better job at slowing the bleeding.

“Howell, get her out of here!” snapped one of the detectives, Oliveri. He sounded worried and angry, though I didn’t know why. “Stay with her.”

I expected my partner to argue- the ambulance was already there, I could hear it, and he’d be more use at the scene than at the hospital.

But Howell just nodded, and climbed into the ambulance beside me. He was still next to me when I woke up, several hours later.

“Sir?” I asked. I still hurt, pretty much everywhere, but with the added dullness of good drugs.

“One shot, through and through,” said Howell, softly. He sounded angry, but not at me. “Guy who did it turned himself in. Claims he’s part of a movement that won’t rest until they eradicate all non-human abominations.”

“Oh,” I said. I hadn’t been shot because I was a cop, because I’d chosen to put myself in danger, but just because I was a vampire. “Oh.”


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, zeke_jones, writerverse

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