[Stargate: Drabble] "Beyond the Street Lights" [Sam/Jack, G]

Oct 30, 2015 17:38

Title: Beyond the Street Lights
Prompt: writerverse challenge #27 do the shuffle
Song: “These Are Good Times” (by Trout Fishing in America)
Word Count: 131
Rating: G
Fandom or Original: Stargate SG-1
Pairings: Sam Carter/Jack O’Neill
Setting: part of my future!verse
Summary: The O’Neills enjoy a night at the pond.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Beyond the Street Lights

The light from the campfire reflected on the pond as Sam made her way back to the dock, the moonlight more than enough to light a way she knew very well by now.

Jack was sitting on a blanket, A.J. in his lap as Jake told what seemed to be a scary story, a flashlight held shakily under his chin. “…and then it ate them all up!” her son finished.

For a moment, his sister stared at him with wide brown eyes, and Sam was worried she’d been upset, until she held out small grabby hands for the flashlight. “That wasn’t scary at all!” she complained. “My turn!”

Sam laughed and sank into the blanket beside Jack, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Go ahead, kiddo,” she said. “Let’s hear it.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sam/jack, future_verse, writerverse

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