Title: A Little Nerdy Love
writerverse challenge #27 do the shuffle
Song: “Nerdy Girls Need Love, Too” (by Amy Lee Radigan)
Word Count: 152
Rating: G
Fandom or Original: Avengers (MCU/movie ‘verse)
Pairings: Bruce Banner/Darcy Lewis
Summary: Darcy’s dating rules, luckily, don’t seem to apply to Bruce.
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library A Little Nerdy Love
Darcy had a set of rules, for dating.
Not where anybody’s hands should be and when, or how much tongue was acceptable on a first date. These rules were specific only to her, to be gradually scaled back as the number of dates with the same guy went up, mostly about how often she made nerdy pop-culture references.
Except, her rules had never quite accounted for Bruce Banner.
“Where are your glasses?” he’d asked, immediately after, “You look very nice,” so she’d put them back on (it was nice to see clearly) and let him lead her outside.
He mentioned Doctor Who not three minutes into their walk to the restaurant, asked her opinion on Trek captains and nodded with great interest to her theories on Firefly.
And when he kissed her at the door to the tower, achingly sweet but also somehow fierce and intense, Darcy decided he was a keeper.
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