[Stargate: Drabble] "Press Gang" [SG-22, G]

May 12, 2015 23:37

Title: Press Gang
Prompt: writerverse challenge #31 what’s for dinner? (write a story involving cooking and/or a recipe)
Word Count: 327
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 make Christmas spritz cookies.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Press Gang

“Okay,” said Levi, turning the cookbook back to the first page of the recipe. “Batch three… three cups of flour.”

Jason carefully measured the flour into a bowl, then added each of the other ingredients as Levi read them out. “How’s the coloring coming, sir?”

Gryff, on the other side of the kitchen table, held up a ball of dough. “I don’t know. Is this green enough for Christmas trees?”

Levi nodded. “Looks good.”

“Says the Jewish boy,” teased Toby, but he took the dough from his CO to cover with plastic wrap and store in the fridge. “I think the first batches are ready to roll.”

“You mean press,” said Gryff.

She reached for the weird-looking thing she’d gotten out and set in the middle of the table. It was a metal tube with a handle at the top, a twisty-looking one like an outdoor water spigot. Levi set down the recipe book to watch her fit a flat metal dye into one end, then put in the ball of yellow dough that Toby handed her. She screwed on the top, which had a flat disk to push the dough, on the other end of a long screw from the handle. Gryff grabbed a baking sheet, set the tip of the cookie press against it and twisted.

A yellow, blobby mess appeared when she lifted it up again.

“That’s a Christmas star?” Levi asked.

“The first one never turns out right,” said Gryff, and the next row of cookies were perfect four-point stars. She finished a sheet of cookies and Toby put it in the oven. “Lee, do you want to try?”

Levi eyed the cookie press warily. “What if I can’t make them pretty like you can?”

Gryff laughed. “They’ll still taste good. Give it a try.”

Half of the cookies- yellow stars, green wreaths and trees, pink poinsettias and, for some reason, blue camels- came out crooked or misshapen.

But they all tasted good.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, original fiction, sg-22, writerverse

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