[NCIS: Drabble] "Family Ties" [G]

May 11, 2015 23:08

Title: Family Ties
Prompt: writerverse challenge #30 TV tropes
Trope Used: Bow Ties Are Cool
Word Count: 328
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: NCIS
Summary: Jimmy’s assistant wonders about his wardrobe.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Family Ties

“Good morning, Miss Jenkins,” said Jimmy, pleased to find his new assistant already in autopsy, hanging up her coat.

“Good morning, Dr. Palmer,” she replied, then paused. “Dr. Palmer, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” he said. “Go ahead.”

“I was just wondering… what’s with the bow tie? They’re, well, they’re for old guys, right? And you’re really not that old.”

Jimmy laughed. “Well, thank you for that, Miss Jenkins. And I’ll have you know that bow ties are cool.”

“C’mon, doc,” she said. “Cool?”

“All right, maybe not cool,” Jimmy admitted. “They’re definitely more hygienic. There’s been quite a few studies on the amount of germs that can be found on an average doctor’s necktie, and bow ties have been proven to carry far fewer of them.”

“Huh,” said Penelope. “Good to know. But it’s not like our patients need to worry about infections, Dr. Palmer.”

“True, true. I suppose it’s really more habit at this point, but I started wearing them because of Dr. Mallard.”

“The ME before you?” she asked.

Jimmy nodded. “Yes. I was his assistant, just like you are my assistant, before I got my medical degree. He taught me everything I know about pathology. Dr. Mallard was quite the dapper gentleman, let me tell you. Scottish, and very proud of it. He always talked to the bodies while he worked, felt it wasn’t polite to ignore them- I’ve never quite gotten the hang of it, myself, even after all these years.”

“And the bow ties?” Penelope prompted.

“My first one was a present from Dr. Mallard, the day I graduated medical school. I’ve gotten several more- Agent DiNozzo and Director McGee still get me one for just about every holiday- and I… just got used to them, I guess.”

“That’s nice, doc. Honoring your mentor and all.” She smiled at him, then paused. “You’re not going to give me a bow tie when I graduate med school, are you?”

Jimmy laughed.


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mcdirector_verse, drabble, ncis, writerverse

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