[Original: Drabble] "In the Woods" [Sara & Romaine, G]

May 11, 2015 23:00

Title: In the Woods
Prompt: writerverse challenge #29 weekly quick fic #11, prompt ‘pretty lies’ & “All we actually have is our body and its muscles that allow us to be under our own power.” (Allegra Kent)
Bonus: original
Word Count: 375
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original ( Sara & Romaine ‘verse)
Summary: After leaving Romaine’s tower, she and Sara spend the night out in the woods.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

In the Woods

As it grew dark, Sara found a clearing that would serve well as a campsite and called them to a halt. Romaine watched, fascinated, as she drew the folded fabric from her saddlebag, securing ropes to overhead branches until it turned into a tent.

“How did you learn to do that?” the blonde princess asked, while Sara turned to gather rocks for their fire circle.

“The tent is made to do that,” her new friend told her. “And my father taught me how to do this. We used to go camping all the time, outside the palace, for as long as I can remember. Look for some more stones, will you? About the size of both fists together.”

“With my hands?” Romaine asked, but she sounded intrigued, not insulted. “And we’re going to sleep here, outside?”

“In the tent,” said Sara. “But, yes.”

The two girls formed a circle with the stones, then gathered wood to make a fire. Sara started it with flint-and-steel from her pack, and they sat on either side.

They were quiet for a moment, then Sara asked, “How long were you in the tower?”

“Six years,” said Romaine. “Since I was ten. Father… I’m my parents’ only child, and Father says that the world is a dangerous place. He told me that the man I would marry, the man who would rule our kingdom with me, would have to be one brave enough to rescue me.”

Sara snorted. “My father says the same, but he told me I should learn to be strong enough to face it on my own.”

“But who will you marry?” the other princess asked, genuinely confused.

“The man I love, I suppose,” said Sara. “Truth be told, I have not thought too much about it. I plan to serve the realm for a few years, at least, before I think of marriage.”

“And your father agreed to that?” Romaine wondered.

“He trained me to be a knight,” said Sara, with a shrug. “It’s getting dark. We should get some sleep.”

They put out the fire and got into the tent, both sharing Sara’s bedroll. After a long moment, Romaine said, “Sara, would you teach me some of this stuff?”

A hand squeezed her shoulder. “Absolutely.”


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, sara & romaine, writerverse

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