[Stargate: Drabble] "Hanging On" [SG-22, G]

Sep 13, 2014 22:52

Title: Hanging On
Prompt: writerverse challenge #02 quick fic #1, prompts ‘miscommunication’ & ‘pride’
Bonus: angst genre
Word Count: 841
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: Levi is badly hurt, and Gryff doesn’t know if help will reach them in time.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Hanging On

The silvery emergency blanket crinkled in Gryff’s fingers as she pulled it more tightly around them. Levi whimpered slightly, and she winced.

“Sorry, Lee,” she said, even though she knew he was still unconscious. He’d been out for over an hour, now, and Gryff was starting to worry. “Just hang in there. The boys will be back soon, with help.”

It had been snowing when they arrived on P2X-9914, big flakes that stuck to everything. SG-11 had done the first recon there and made contact with a small, wary local population. At first, everything seemed to be going well- Gryff had made the ritual greeting, repeating exactly what SG-11’s leader had shown her, and the team had been welcomed by the village chief. As the snow continued to fall, they’d been taken on a tour of the place, pointed toward local landmarks like the bakery, the Hall of Learning, and the chief’s mother’s house.

And then, something had gone horribly wrong. Levi had asked a seemingly-uninteresting question, something about an odd architectural feature on one of the houses, and the chief’s guards had raised their weapons. The sociologist had stuttered an apology, but before any of his teammates could move, a sword had flashed, and Levi had collapsed, the snow turning red beneath him.

They had barely escaped, Levi draped over Jason’s shoulder, Gryff and Toby firing blindly behind them until they hit the edge of the forest.
“He’s bad, sir,” said Jason, when they finally took shelter under a rocky outcropping.

Toby peeled back the field dressing they’d managed to apply before they’d had to run for it, and winced. “Really bad,” he said. “Gryff, I don’t think we should move him any more.”

“We’re, what, half a mile from the ‘gate?” she asked. “And that’s too far?”

He nodded. “The bleeding has slowed, but I have no way of knowing what kind of internal damage there was. And with this snow, if one of us slipped while carrying him… I don’t think we should risk it.”

Gryff had agreed. Carefully, the rest of SG-22 tucked Levi, snug in his sleeping bag, under the rock formation, then piled branches over the emergency blanket they’d used to cover the opening. Gryff crawled in beside him, while Toby and Jason slogged through the snow back to the ‘gate.

But it was starting to get dark. Gryff could see the snow piling up against the emergency blanket and branches around their outcropping, and tried to scoot a little closer to Levi. He hadn’t regained consciousness, and he still felt cold. Gryff wished she had more heat to give him, but she had always run a bit cold.

The others were taking too long- they shouldn’t have met any angry natives, since they’d been running toward the ‘gate, away from the village- and they should have been back by now, even leading a med-team and a unit of Marines.

Levi made a strained sort of noise, still not awake, and flailed under the blanket. Gryff caught his hand, pressing her nose against his throat. “It’s okay, Lee,” she murmured. “I’m here, you’re safe, the others will be back any minute…”

He quieted, a bit, and she moved her hand toward his injured side. It didn’t feel warm to the touch, which Gryff hoped meant there was no infection, and she let her arm rest there, over Levi’s stomach.

“They’re bringing the doc back with them, just hang in there,” she said. “You’re going to be okay, Lee, I know you are. Because you’re tougher than you look, and you’re not going to give up. Just… just stay with me.”

Outside the wind howled louder, and a gust suddenly tugged at their emergency blanket-cover. Gryff reached over her head to roll one of the large, loose rocks into the gap. She yanked her fingers back immediately, wincing at their chill.

“It’s getting colder, Levi,” she said. “And I’m not… I don’t know if I can keep you warm enough, and I’m sorry. We knew it was snowing, we should have brought more cold-weather gear. Should have asked SG-11 more about the locals. Should have… sh-should have d-done a bunch of st-stuff.”

Gryff could feel her teeth chattering, but kept talking, “I d-don’t know if you c-can hear me, Lee, but there are th-things I should s-say. I’m p-proud of you, so proud. You’re n-not military like the r-rest of us, but you n-never let it st-stop you. You’re b-braver than w-we are. And i-if we m-make it th-through th-this, I sw-swear I’m g-gonna t-tell you everything.”

She was shivering too hard to speak, too hard to think. Gryff could feel her thought process slowing, could feel the cold in her extremities sliding past ‘painful’ right to ‘numb’. She knew she shouldn’t sleep, but it was so cold, so cold…

Gryff pressed her nose against Levi’s shoulder, and closed her eyes. Just before she passed out, she was sure she heard the crunch of standard-issue boots on snow, but she was unconscious before she could look.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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