[Stargate: Drabble] "Comes in Threes" [SG-22, G]

Jun 01, 2014 23:57

Title: Comes in Threes
Prompt: writerverse challenge #03 phase 9 table of doom, prompt #01 ‘bang, bang!’
Word Count: 586
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: The three most important people in Levi’s life are his team.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Comes in Threes

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Levi heard three staff weapon blasts, heard the thumps of three human-sized somethings hitting the ground, and after that, his memories were a little fragmented.

He remembered rushing the guard who came to open his cell, the same guard who had thrown him into it, who had threatened to kill the rest of his team if Levi didn’t help them, who had killed-

He remembered running, firing a weapon he hadn’t remembered picking up, not even sure of where he was going, too consumed with a sudden red-hot rage. He knew he’d been hit, too, glancing shots and sprays of chipped rocks where they’d only just missed, but nothing bad enough to stop him. He could hardly even feel them.

He remembered stumbling into the temple gate room, looking up into three familiar impossible faces- and the world going suddenly black.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Levi sat bolt upright in bed, heart pounding so hard it was difficult to breathe. He only dimly recognized his own bedroom, half-trapped in the nightmare of world of blood and pain and loss.

“What’s wrong?” said Gryff, skidding to a stop in his doorway. She was wearing pajama bottoms and an old USMC t-shirt, hair loose around her shoulders. Jason and Toby were right behind her, both half-awake and frantic, tumbling together into his room. “Levi?”

“You’re alive,” he breathed.

“Of course we’re-” Toby began, but broke off as Levi lunged forward to hug him tightly. “Hey, Lee, be careful! You’re still hurt.”

Gryff but her hand flat between Levi’s shoulder blades, fingers cool to the touch even through his sweat-soaked t-shirt. “It’s okay, Lee,” she said. “It was just a nightmare.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, shakily.

Jason pressed in on Levi’s other side, pulling up the hem of his t-shirt to check the bandages underneath. “I don’t think you pulled any of your stitches, Lee, but- What?”

“I didn’t think I’d ever hear anybody call me ‘Lee’ ever again,” he mumbled into Toby’s shoulder.

“Hey, Gryff,” said Toby. “I know we said…”

“Yeah,” she agreed. “But it seems to be doing more harm than good. C’mon, Lee, grab your pillow.”

“But…” Reluctantly, Levi pulled away from Toby, who let him go but kept a reassuring hand on his elbow. “What if I have another nightmare? I’ll wake you guys up.”

“You already woke us up,” said Jason. “And if we’re together, we won’t have as far to go to come and get you.”

And they would, Levi knew. It he had a dozen nightmares before morning, they’d all come back a dozen times to make sure he was all right.

He grabbed his pillow.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Levi!” called Gryff’s voice, like it wasn’t the first time she’d said it, and he came awake slowly in a bed that wasn’t his but was almost as familiar.

“C’mon, Lee!” Gryff continued. “You’re pretty enough, you don’t need any more beauty sleep!”

“But, sir,” said Jason, in a very loud whisper. “We’re supposed to let him rest.”

“Rest, not hibernate,” said Gryff. “Besides, Toby said he was making pancakes.”

“Oh, well, in that case.”

There were hands shaking him, and Levi opened his eyes to see Jason standing next to Gryff’s bed, holding out the Air Force Academy sweatshirt that Gryff kept stealing from Toby.

“Pancakes?” said Levi, hopefully.

Jason laughed. “How’d you sleep?”

“I- good.” Levi pulled on the sweatshirt and went looking for his glasses. “Really good. Thanks.”

“Any time,” said Jason, and passed him his glasses.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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