[Stargate: Drabble] "To the Light" [SG-22, G]

Jun 01, 2014 23:50

Title: To the Light
Prompt: writerverse challenge #01 quick fic #01 (‘dirty deeds’ & ‘lighthouse’)
Bonus? hurt/comfort genre
Word Count: 468
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 saved the day, but it’s still a long way back.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

To the Light

There was a lighthouse on P2X-715, a stone tower with a bonfire on top, and it could be seen for miles around.

Which was a very good thing, because Levi had lost his glasses in their tumble down that rocky hill, and even before that, they’d been so muddy that he couldn’t see through them anyway. The rain had lessened a bit since they’d set out, but it was still coming down steadily, as they squished their way across the muddy plain.

“Jason, you still with us?” Gryff demanded, from his left.

She had one of Jason’s arms over her shoulders, and Levi had the other, keeping the Marine more-or-less upright. Toby, walking a little ahead of them, balanced a poncho-wrapped toddler on each hip.

The kids had gone missing just as the storm hit, and SG-22 had volunteered to go find them. Two and a half hours of mud later, it turned out that the siblings hadn’t gone missing so much as been kidnapped. Which they found out when they reached the low hills and the kidnapper attacked them.

Jason had gotten him, two bullets right to the chest, but not before the guy had toppled a rockslide that came thundering down on them. Levi and the kids hadn’t been hurt, but Gryff had a cut above one eye that was still bleeding sluggishly, Toby had long scratches down both arms, and they were pretty sure that Jason had a few bruised ribs, not to mention a probable head injury.

“’M’okay, sir,” Jason said, slurring even those few words- he had to have a concussion, at least- “I c’n walk.”

“Uh-huh,” said Gryff, who clearly didn’t believe him. “Lee and I are just here for moral support.”

Levi looked up again, but the lighthouse didn’t seem that much closer. “I think he’s faking, Gryff,” he said. “Just wants us to carry his sorry butt back to the ‘gate.”

“’M not,” Jason mumbled.

Toby hung back to walk at Gryff’s other side. “I think the kids are sick,” he said, softly, so they wouldn’t hear. “Temma’s got a fever and Caros-”

The little boy sneezed, loudly, from somewhere inside Toby’s coat.

“Yeah, Jase isn’t doing so well, either,” said Gryff. “C’mon, boys, let’s pick up the pace.”

Levi’s feet were already aching and the lighthouse seemed miles away, but he tightened his grip on Jason’s wrist, pulling the Marine a little closer. “Don’t worry, Jase,” he said. “We’ll get you home.”

“I know,” said Jason. He closed his eyes and let his head roll sideways, so that his regulation buzz cut brushed Levi’s ear.

“Still with you, Lee,” he murmured, just as Levi opened his mouth to protest his motions, and the sociologist smiled.

“Yeah, stay that way,” he said, and kept trudging toward the distant light.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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