[Stargate: Drabble] "Timing" [SG-22, G]

Apr 23, 2013 22:13

Title: Timing
Prompt: writerverse challenge #36 quick fic amnesty (‘a problem that I cannot explain’ & ‘hurt/comfort’)
Word Count: 421
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Warnings: vague allusions to monthly ‘feminine issues’
Summary: “Gryff, are you okay?”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


“Gryff?” asked Levi softly. “Gryff, are you okay?”

She nodded, almost managing a smile. “Yeah, Lee. I’m okay.”

Not that long ago, he would have believed her, but Levi had been stuck in too many naquadah mines on too many worlds not to recognize when Gryff was in pain and trying to hide it.

“You are not,” he told her bluntly. “You know we hate it when you’re hurt and you don’t tell us.”

“I’m not-” she began, and that was definitely a wince. “I’m not hurt.”

“You took a pretty good hit, sir,” Jason reminded her. “A couple of good ones.”

“Maybe. But I’m fine,” Gryff insisted. “I’m just cold, that’s all.”

Their jackets had been confiscated along with the rest of their gear, as usual, but naquadah mines were generally too stifling for them to notice. This one was a little cooler than average, but not enough that Gryff should actually be cold.

Levi shared a confused look with Toby, who said, “You’re not sick, are you?”

“No,” Gryff snapped, pulling her crossed arms tighter to her body. “I’m not hurt, and I’m not sick, so could you all just go away and leave me to be miserable in peace?”

“I-” Toby began, then frowned like he did when he was doing math in his head. “Oh. It’s, um, pretty bad this time, huh?”

Her glare softened slightly. “What do you think?”

He smiled back at her. “I think you’re a braver man than I am, Igraine Gryffydd.”

Gryff managed a tiny smile of her own. “And it I was a man, I wouldn’t be having this problem.”

“Oh!” said Jason, too loudly, then winced. “Sorry, sir. But isn’t there anything we can do?”

“Not unless you have some chocolate. Or a heating pad.”

He shook his head. “Sorry, sir- Wait. Maybe.”

Levi’s eyes widened. “You have chocolate?”

“No,” said Jason. “But, um, where does it hurt, sir? Not, um…?”

“No,” she said. “My lower back, actually. It always aches a little, but it’s really bad today.”

“Okay. Let me just… No, lieutenant, can you move… yeah…”

In a few moments, he’d gotten them all rearranged in their corner of the crowded barracks, so that Jason’s knee was pressed up against Gryff’s back, Levi was tucked against her side, and her other shoulder- which she hadn’t even known was aching- leaning comfortably against Toby’s back.

“Oh, that’s much better,” she said. “Have I mentioned that I love you guys?”

Levi smiled. “Not lately, Gryff. But we know.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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