Questions MeMe

Apr 23, 2013 03:03

Tagged by nakeisha

1. Always Post the Rules.

2. Answer the questions the person tagged you and write 11 new ones.

3. Tag 11 new people and link them to the post.

4. Let them know you tagged them.


01. What is your favourite time of day?
Nighttime, definitely. I believe that anything before noon is an ungodly hour, and morning should only be approached from behind.

02. If you were given £500 and told you had to spend it on yourself, what would you buy?
Books!!! What a silly question *g*

03. What piece of technology could you not live without?
I’d have to say my Word Processor. With the crazy way I write, I could never get by with a typewriter.

04. If you could become famous for something what would it be?
Again, and easy answer: writing. Although, honestly, I would rather be rich-and-best-selling than actually famous.

05. What is your favourite season of the year?
Fall (that’s American English for ‘autumn’) It’s not too hot, not too cold, not too much pollen… and I love the color of the leaves when they turn.

06. What is your favourite wild animal?
Tigers. I’m the Chinese Zodiac year of the tiger, plus I have orange hair and love cats.

07. If you had the opportunity to have dinner with someone famous would you choose to do so?
Someone famous now? Um… no, I don’t think so.

08. What were your main activities as a child?
Choir, mostly. I was in the church choir (head chorister for six years) and school choirs all the way through college.

09. Do you recommend books to people and if not why not?
Yes, but only if they ask.

10. If you could go back to your childhood with the knowledge you have as an adult what one piece of advice would you give yourself?
“Ignore the idiots” I was bulled a lot as a kid, and I think I would have found it comforting to know that I’d grow up to be a strong, smart, confident woman.

11. Do you believe there is life on other planets?
I think so, yes. With all the exoplanets in the “Goldilocks Zone” (not too far and not too near to the system’s sun) I think one of them must have some kind of alien life.

New Questions:

01. When eating out, do you have a favorite thing to order everywhere, a favorite at each restaurant or do you order something different every time?

02. Approximately how many hairstyles have you had in your life?

03. Which fictional place would you most like to visit?

04. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child, and if so, do you still have it?

05. How do you most commonly tell the time during the day?

06. Do you like thunderstorms?

07. What do you want for your birthday this year?

08. Can you speak any languages other than your native one?

09. Could you ever program a VCR? Could you still?

10. What real place would you most like to visit?

11. What’s the song that’s been stuck in your head most recently?

I tag: alaxes, alien_writings, bobdeloyd, gg_fangirl, jennickels, kensieg, lexie_b, magickmoons, melodysparks, thelioness, utah_yoda

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