[Stargate: Drabble] "Hopewell, Illinois" [Sam/Jack, G]

Nov 25, 2011 02:57

Title: Hopewell, Illinois
Author: Ami Ven
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam Carter(Tara)/Jack O'Neill (John)
Genre: het.
Prompt: 100_tales #052 'hope'
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Setting: part of my clone!verse
Summary: The town of Hopewell, Illinois, had three traffic lights, one police car, an old-fashioned diner that served the best apple cobbler in four counties and, as of June, two new residents.

Hopewell, Illinois

The town of Hopewell, Illinois, had three traffic lights, one police car, an old-fashioned diner that served the best apple cobbler in four counties and, as of June, two new residents.

They were newlyweds, just back from their honeymoon- she taught science up at the high school, and he'd been hired as deputy fire chief. They'd bought the old MacArthur place on the hill, and were steadily fixing it up. Some of the older ladies brought them casseroles, and word quickly spread that John and Tara Nelson were a very nice young couple indeed.

"So, Carter," asked John, one night after dinner. "Is this really the kind of life you were hoping for?"

They were up on the roof, squashed together in an almost-too-small lawn chair beside their brand-new telescope.

Tara took a deep breath and snuggled closer under his arm. "The only reason we could never want this before is because the world needed us- the original us, Sam-and-Jack us. We both took our duties too seriously to let ourselves want anything else. But now we're John and Tara, and we can want anything we want."

John frowned, trying to follow her logic, then smiled. "Then you're happy?"

"Ridiculously so," she replied, smiling back. "I'm not saying I don't miss it, sometimes, being on the cutting edge. But the kids are great, and that whole 'shaping young minds' thing really is rewarding, and every night, I come home to you. What's not to like?"

He grinned and pulled her closer. "The fire chief told me today that I got hired because he's planning to retire. So, I thought, in a year or two, when we've got the house all squared away... that spare bedroom would make a really nice nursery."

"Yes," she said, and kissed him. "Yes, it would."


Current Mood:


series, clone 'verse drabble series, 100_tales, drabble, stargate, sam/jack

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