Stargate Drabble Series- Clone 'Verse

Aug 23, 2011 04:29

All of my drabbles that take place in the clone 'verse based on "Fragile Balance", staring John (Jack's clone) and Tara (Sam's clone).

Clone 'Verse Drabbles

01. Second Chances
G...500 words
for 24_times table one, 22 'extra time'
He could not believe no one else had noticed her

12. Taking Chances
G...455 words
for writerverse challenge
remix of Second Chances
She had wondered if he would notice her.

17. Tell Me More
G...1,509 words
for sj_everyday prompt 'summer nights'
“Did you really get detention for making out in the hallway?”

02. This Time Around
G...500 words
for 100_tales 031 'valentine's day'
High school was very different this time around

03. Six Months
G...400 words
for 100_tales 042 'months'
She was not going to be one of those girls who celebrated weekly and monthly anniversaries.

13. Prom Date
G...258 words
for writerverse prompt Couples had their pictures taken/ Under those clothes, the heat was bakin’/ They pretended to be cool/ ‘Cause they’d soon be out of school (“Prom Night in Pig Town” by Trout Fishing in America)
Tara had taken several trips to the mall to pick the perfect prom dress.

15. Five or Six
G...350 words
for sharp2799's birthday
crossover with Warehouse 13
“Suspicious types? Okey-Dokey.”

04. Hopewell, Illinois
G...300 words
for 100_tales 052 'hope'
The town of Hopewell, Illinois, had three traffic lights, one police car, an old-fashioned diner that served the best apple cobbler in four counties and, as of June, two new residents.

09. Country Life
G...503 words
for writerverse prompt 'as far as the eye can see' (present tense, 500+ words)
Life in the middle of nowhere is pretty good.

05. Invitation
G...300 words
for 100_tales 055 'kindness'
John had always thought it was kinder not to try and contact the original Jack O'Neill

06. Guests at Their Own Wedding
G...300 words
for 100_tales 056 'together'
"You look just like pictures of Jack and Sam when they were younger."

07. Dangerous Work
G...500 words
for 100_tales 066 'pain'
John's work is dangerous, but worth the risk.

08. Decisions Made
G...400 words
for 100_tales 083 'questions'
Most of the time, Tara completely forgot that she was a clone.

10. Deck the Halls
G...267 words
for sj_everyday advent calendar 2014, day 12
The Nelson family decorates for the holidays.

14. Cloning Day
G...300 words
birthday present for sharp2799
“It’s an anniversary, in a way.”

11. Two of a Kind
G...587 words
for sj_everyday challenge 1 'people will talk'
"I'm here to give you a heads up. Declassification is coming..."

16. To the Fourth Power
G...100 words
also part of the Future Verse
for writerverse phase 22, challenge 40 quick fic round-up, prompt 54 ‘half-cousin’
“Oh, that is just not fair.”

Current Mood:


clone 'verse drabble series, drabble, stargate, sam/jack

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