[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Fourteen" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

May 16, 2011 00:39

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Fourteen
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge (continued)
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala, Sam/Jack
Summary: "For the last time, darling, they'll be fine."



Cam rested both hands on his P90 and glanced back at the door to the Embarkation Room. "Where are they?"

Teal'c raised one eyebrow. "Did I not tell you it was unwise to remind Daniel-Jackson that this was the first high-risk mission both he and Vala-Jackson have participated in since the birth of their children?"

"I didn't say high-risk!" Cam protested. "I said that it was the first exploratory mission SG-1 was going on with both our archaeologists, and I might have mentioned that the MALP data was a little lacking... All right, fine, it's my fault."


The door snapped open. "For the last time, darling, they'll be fine," said Vala.

"I know, I know," said Daniel. "We agreed that we could both start going on exploratory missions again once Zoë got her driver's license, but- when did we get old enough to have a kid who can drive?"

Cam stifled a snort of laughter. "You know Sam and the general have a kid who can vote?"

"You know Sam can hear you?" came their current CO's voice from the Control Room.

Cam didn't even bother being embarrassed. "Sam, will you tell Jackson to relax so we can get going? The potential wonders of P9X-8032 await."

"SG-1, you have a go," said Sam. "And, Daniel? I've given orders for all calls from the kids' schools to come directly to me."

"Thanks, Sam," said Daniel dryly, but she merely smiled at his dirty look, and he accepted a weapon from the waiting airman. "Let's go."

Vala took his hand and turned to offer Sam a wave and a wink before the team vanished through the wormhole.

"Wow," said Daniel and Vala together, the moment they arrived.

The MALP had gone through the 'gate during local night, but dawn was just breaking, throwing golden sunlight over jagged shapes which had looked like rocks in the telemetry but which they could now see were covered in tiny, precise carvings.

"Just look at this!" Daniel continued. "It's-"

"-incredible!" finished Vala. "These two languages shouldn't even exist together, let alone with such harmony-"

"-it's all the same message! Do you see? It flows from Ancient here-"

"-into Ancient Egyptian, then-"

"-into Babylonian. Teal'c, come take a look at this passage, I think it's Goa'uld-"

"-yes, it is, darling, but that's not the best bit. Cameron! Bring me the digital camera!"

"Pushy, pushy," muttered Cam, but he brought it to her anyway.

He and Teal'c managed to get away long enough to walk a quick patrol, but once they'd determined the area was safe, the Doctors Jackson kept them going all day, carrying equipment, taking photographs and video, moving equipment again, taking more photos and video, and once, returning to Earth for a stack of reference books.

"So," said Cam, as they packed up for the day. "You two gonna be okay leaving the kids in school again tomorrow?"

Daniel and Vala smiled. "Who's worried?"


Current Mood:


daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, daniel/vala, fifty years drabble series

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