[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part One" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

Apr 06, 2011 01:22

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: One
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala
Summary: For a moment, he'd honestly expected Vala to be there.


There was no catastrophic event, near-miss with death or capture by hostile forces that made Daniel realize he was in love with Vala.

Instead it happened one afternoon, when he was sitting at his desk working on a translation for SG-11. He checked a glyph against one of his reference books, made a mark on his notes, and reached for another book.

"Vala, would you look at these and tell me-"

He stopped speaking abruptly. Vala wasn't there. She had gone off-world that morning with SG-14 and wasn't due back until late that night. He'd been completely alone in his office all day, with no reason to expect visitors of any kind.

But, for a moment, he'd honestly expected Vala to be there.

Daniel shut his book with a snap. He'd always been a solitary person and after years as a member of SG-1 he was still surprised to have people nearby, to find Jack in his office doorway, or Sam sitting next to his infirmary bed, or Teal'c still beside him while exploring an old temple, or Mitchell on the other side of the campfire. Because as much as SG-1 had become his family, as much as he knew he could count on them for anything, he also knew circumstances would occasionally keep them apart, Sam to Atlantis and back, Teal'c with the Free Jaffa, Jack going and Mitchell coming. He'd missed them while they were gone, but he'd adapted to their absence.

Except that even when he knew Vala was gone, he somehow still expected her to be there.

Somehow, without him realizing it, Vala had become a permanent and constant part of his life.

Daniel waited impatiently in the 'Gate Room for SG-14 to return, ignoring the looks from the three other teams who arrived before then.

"Hello, darling," said Vala, when she spotted him. "Miss me?"

"Yes," he said, and she blinked in surprise.

"You... you did?" Vala asked, breathless.

"Yes," he repeated.

For the first time, all twenty-three languages failed him. But Vala had always believed more in actions than words, so he decided to speak her language for a change.

Daniel poured everything he felt into that kiss, and from the way Vala melted into him, he knew she understood.

"Vala," he said, when the need for air broke them apart, needing to say the words anyway, even if they wouldn't come out right. "I've been an idiot. A clueless, selfish idiot. I thought that not letting you get too close would keep us both from getting hurt, but it's too late. You're a part of my life now, Vala, a part of who I am, and ignoring that isn't doing either of us any good. So, I just want to say that I'm sorry, and I definitely don't deserve you, but I love you, and I don't want to waste another day pretending I don't and- Vala, please say something."

She kissed him, which was exactly the answer he'd been hoping for.


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daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, daniel/vala

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