Title: Decorations
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge #217 'decorate'
Character(s): Jenny Shepard, L.J. Gibbs
Setting: pre-series
Summary: "Jethro Gibbs, I'm going to kill you."
Her desk was covered in color.
Jenny blinked and looked again. Yes, those were streamers, in lurid colors she hadn't even known they made, draped over her desk, her computer, her chair. There were balloons tied to one corner of the desk, in even more lurid colors than the streamers, and a scattering of absurdly-shaped confetti trailing over the desktop.
And there was a sign in the middle, with big, curly letters written in very familiar handwriting.
Jenny covered her face with both hands.
"Jethro Gibbs," she muttered, "I'm going to kill you."
Her partner only smiled. "Happy birthday, Jen."
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