[Stargate: Drabble] "After School" [Daniel/Vala, G]

Sep 23, 2010 17:37

Title: After School
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Prompt: in one of my earlier Sam/Jack + kids stories, one of the Jackson kids insisted on being included- then, of course, they needed their own story.
Summary: Vala was not like the other mothers picking their children up from school.
Note(s): see author's note for the kids' full names.

After School

Vala was not like the other mothers picking their children up from school.

Not for the top secret fact that she had actually been born on another planet, or the blatantly obvious fact that she had her dark hair in pigtails and was wearing a t-shirt that read 'fabulous'.

Mostly, Vala stood out because she was just as excited for the end of the school day as the children.

It amazed Daniel sometimes, the sheer normality of it all. That after everything they'd seen and done, here they were, waiting for the school bell to ring.

Daniel stood beside Vala, balancing one-year-old Vivienne on his hip while three-year-old Ernie kept a tight hold of his father's other hand.

"Isn't school over yet?"

The question came, not from either of the kids, but from Vala. Daniel grinned- if his wife had ever attended school on Earth, she'd have been one of those kids who watched the clock from lunchtime on.

Just then, the bell rang and chattering students appeared from the front doors.

"Hello, darlings!" called Vala.

Seven-year-old Benedict came running over to hug his mother, then immediately launched into an animated description, only pausing to say, "Hi, Davie," when his five-year-old brother joined them. Benny might be his mother's son, but David took after his Uncle Jack- he rolled his eyes and took out his yo-yo.

"Where's Zoë?" asked Daniel.

"Here, Dad, chill out." His oldest was, as always, accompanied by her best friend, Amanda O'Neill. The girls were nine and inseparable.

"I'm going home with you today, Uncle Danny," the blonde said, with Jack's trouble-making smirk.

"Of course you, are," said Daniel.

He saw some of the other parents glance disapprovingly in their direction, and grinned.

So maybe, they weren't normal. But Daniel wouldn't have them any other way.


For the record, here are the kids' full names:

Zoë Jacqueline "Z.J." (Zoë is Greek for 'life'; Jacqueline for Jack O'Neill)
Benedict George "Benny" (Benedict is Latin for 'good words'; George for George Hammond)
David Charles "Davie" (David is Welsh for 'beloved'; Charles for Charlie O'Neill)
Ernest Oliver "Ernie" (Ernest for Ernest Littlefield; Oliver is Norse for 'affectionate one')
Vivienne Samantha "Viv" (Vivienne is French for 'life'; Samantha for Sam Carter)

and, because one of the O'Neill kids couldn't stay out of this story, here's their names:

Jacob Daniel "Jake" (Jacob for Jacob Carter; Daniel for Daniel Jackson)
Amanda Janet "A.J." (Amanda is Latin for 'she should be loved'; Janet for Janet Fraiser)

Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, daniel/vala

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