[Stargate: Drabble] "New Position" [Sam/Jack, G]

Jun 02, 2023 03:30

Title: New Position
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 30, prompt 14 “You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.” (George Michael)
Word Count: 329
Rating: G
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing(s): Sam Carter/Jack O’Neill
Summary: Sam is exactly where she wants to be.

New Position

Sam woke slowly, golden sunlight dancing behind her eyelids before she opened them and blinked up into a pair of warm brown eyes.

“Hey,” said Jack, softly.

He sounded hesitant, like he was afraid to break a spell - or like he thought the reality of him might not have lived up to her expectations.

Sam smiled, as sweetly as she could, then pounced, pushing him flat on his back and straddling his hips in one smooth motion.

“Whoa, Carter,” said Jack, a little breathless. His hands settled on her hips, firm but not possessive, and she leaned down to kiss him.

It figured that the man who could be a decorated Black Ops soldier and a mischievous schoolboy almost in the same breath would have the same changeability in bed. His touch was always sure with her, gentle but not delicate, as ready to follow as to lead, always exactly what she needed.

“I want this,” Sam said, when they broke for air. “Us. You. Now even more than before.”

She watched him absorb that, the uncertainty melt into acceptance - then into a teasing smirk. “I’m just that good, am I?”

“You are,” she told him, honestly. “But I was convinced long before I knew how good you are in bed. That’s just a bonus.”

“A bonus?” Jack repeated, clearly not sure if that was a compliment.

Sam grinned. “Like finally isolating a molecule I’ve been searching for and realizing I’ve discovered a whole new element.”

“That sounds like more than just a bonus,” he said.

She leaned down to kiss him again. “Mm, probably good enough to win a Nobel Prize.”

Jack huffed a laugh. “I’d love to hear that acceptance speech.”

“No way,” Sam said, “This discovery I’m keeping to myself.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“I worked very, very hard to get here, and I intend to enjoy my new position.”

Jack’s grin was more of a playful leer, “Oh, yeah?”

And, it turned out, they both enjoyed it.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate sg-1, sam/jack, writerverse

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