[MCU: Drabble] "Green-Eyed Lover" [Bruce/Darcy, G]

Jan 01, 2023 04:37

Title: Green-Eyed Lover
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 01, prompt 16 only the green ones
Word Count: 320
Rating: G
Fandom: MCU (Avengers)
Pairing(s): Bruce Banner/Darcy Lewis
Summary: “Should I be jealous?”

Green-Eyed Lover

“Should I be jealous?” asked Bruce, smiling.

Darcy looked up from where she had been filling a decorative glass jar with green M&Ms. Beside it sat jars already full of green Skittles, green apple Jolly Ranchers, and green Starbursts. “Aw,” she said, “I’m gonna take the fact that you can make a joke like that as a serious win.”

“I am getting better,” he agreed. “But maybe I would have been better off asking if you need an intervention?”

“For M&Ms?” said Darcy.

“Not just the candy. Your necklace, your sweater… what color are your fingernails right now?”

She grinned. “So close! But Clint and Kate got ahold of me, so right now they’re Hawkeye purple.”

Bruce laughed. “Okay, I concede that one. But you do wear a lot of green, Darce. More than anyone else I know.”

“Okay, one,” she said, “everyone you know is a superhero, a SHIELD agent, a scientist or Tony Stark.”

“Technically, he’s a scientist and a superhero,” Bruce pointed out.

She waved a dismissive hand. “He defies categorization.”

“That’s certainly true.”

“And, two, I seem to recall you giving me more than one primarily green-colored gift.”

He smiled. “So I’m an enabler.”

“Then you would be okay with me switching my entire wardrobe to, say, Iron Man hot rod red?”

“No,” Bruce growled, more harshly than he intended.

Darcy’s eyes widened in surprise, then immediately narrowed into a wicked smile. “I knew it.”


“Ooh,” she said, still grinning. “I think that shade of green is jealousy, not the Other Guy.”


Her smile softened and she came around the table to take his hand. “There’s nothing to be jealous of, Bruce. I’m only ever going to wear green, from now on.”

He smiled back. “I don’t think that will be necessary. But you do look especially beautiful in green.”

“Yeah, I do,” she said, and he was still laughing when she kissed him.


Current Mood:


bruce/darcy, drabble, mcu, writerverse

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