[Leverage: Drabble] "With These Rings" [Hardison/Eliot/Parker, G]

Jan 01, 2023 05:19

Title: With These Rings
Author: Ami Ven
Word Count: 712
Rating: G
Prompt: this prompt on comment_fic
Fandom: Leverage
Pairing(s): Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer/Parker
Setting: between the original and Redemption
Summary: “I already had an idea about the rings.”

With These Rings

Eliot let Hardison win their game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’ to go first.

Hardison crowed like he’d just found a treasure in one of those ridiculous video games he played, starting to babble plans fpr increasingly-complex scenarios until he ran out of steam and polled into a chair at the kitchen table.

“It’s got be perfect,” the hacker said. “It’s Parker.”

“I know,” said Eliot, and he did. “So how about we stick to the traditional for this? I’ll make dinner, you’re in charge of the rest.”

Hardison blinked. “The rest?”

“You know, man… Fancy table setting. Candlelight. Roses. Romantic music. A ring.”

“Oh!” said Hardison. “I, um, I already had an idea about the rings.”

“Rings, plural?”

“We can’t both propose to her with one ring. That’d be weird.”

“Right,” said Eliot. “Because the three of us getting married ain’t already weird.”

“It’s a beautiful expression of our love,” said Hardison.

“I didn’t say it wasn’t,” Eliot grumbled. “And don’t tell me we’re giving her rings that, I don’t know, transmit our heartbeats or something stupid.”

The younger man blinked. “Okay, we’ll forget that idea.”

“Dammit, Hardison-”

“I’m just kidding. Actually, I sketched something up. Something classy.”

“Yeah?” said Eliot, but he took the tablet and looked over the design. “This is… Parker will love them.”

Hardison beamed. “I’ll get them made in the next couple of days.” Then, his expression turned more serious. “You know I love you, too, right? I mean, I know we’re asking Parker, but I’m asking you, too.”

Eliot leaned in for a brief but intense kiss. “I know.”


Hardison had gone a little overboard with the roses, but otherwise, everything was perfect.

Parker knew something was up when they’d asked her to wear ‘something nice’ (Eliot’s words) but she decided that the hour she’d spent doing her hair and putting on makeup was well worth it for the sight of her boys in those suits. Hardison’s was a deep blue, not dark enough to be navy, with a pale blue shirt and a white tie. It fit very well, especially when he bent over to light the last few candles. Eliot was wearing black, but instead of a jacket he had a black waistcoat, his deep red shirt open at the collar and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

“Looking good,” she said, appreciatively.

Hardison smiled. “Right back at’cha, Parker.”

Her dress was velvet and as close to being gold as it could be without using metallic thread.

“So, what’s the big deal?” she said, blunt as ever. “It’s not my birthday.”

“No, it’s not,” Eliot agreed. “We’ll tell you after dinner.”

“I can’t wait that long!” Parker protested. “Tell me now. Please?”


“Fine,” the hitter growled. “You won the toss.”

“What toss?” asked Parker.

Hardison took her hands and led her to the table, sitting beside her. “Okay. Well, Parker, we’ve been together a while now, the three of us. And this kind of thing, what we have, that doesn’t come along every-”

“Get to the point, Hardison,” snapped Eliot.

The hacker scowled. “You said you were gonna let me go first.”

“First at what?” Parker asked.

“Not if you take forever at it. All that stupid flowery… Look, Parker-”

“Will you marry us?” Hardison interrupted.

“Yes!” she yelled, delighted, then frowned. “Can we do that?”

“Not legally,” said Eliot. “Didn’t think that would be a problem for you.”

“Oh, it’s not,” Parker said, easily. “Do I get a ring?”

“Of course,” said Hardison. He took the box from his pocket and opened it.

The gold band looked oddly twisted and Parker stared at it for a long moment before Eliot silently held up his own box.

“Oh!” she said. “They go together.”

Parker assembled them easily, admiring the glow of rose gold twined with yellow gold, then slid the completed ring onto her finger.

“It’s perfect,” she said. “Can we eat now?”

In unison, her two fiancés leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.

“You’re still twenty pounds of crazy in a five-pound bag,” Eliot said, and she pulled him in for a proper kiss.

“Your five-pound bag,” she said.

“Til death do us part,” added Hardison.

“Yeah,” Eliot agreed, and they knew he meant it.


Current Mood:


drabble, eliot/hardison/parker, leverage, comment_fic

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