[NCIS: Drabble] "Angels Atop the Tree" [G]

Jan 02, 2023 03:43

Title: Angels Atop the Tree
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Prompt: ncisdrabble100 challenge 821 ‘faithful’
Character(s): Jethro Gibbs, Ducky Mallard, Morgan McGee, Johnny McGee, Victoria Palmer, Tali DiNozzo-David
Summary: “Put my ornament at the very tippy-top.”
Note(s): something a little bittersweet for the end of the year

Angels Atop the Tree

“Put my ornament at the very tippy-top,” said five-year-old Morgan, cradling the ornament with her name on it carefully in both hands.

“No, Grandpa Gibbs, put mine higher,” Johnny protested.

Gibbs looked down from where he was adjusting the strand of multi-colored lights. “No can do, kiddos,” he said, gently. “Yours can only go almost at the top.”

“How come?” asked Victoria.

“Ah, my dear,” said Ducky. “That’s because the top of the tree is for the angels looking after us.”

“Angels?” repeated Tali.

“There’s an ornament in this box with each of our names,” he explained. “But there are also ornaments for the people we’ve lost.”

“Where did they go?” asked Johnny.

“It means they died,” Victoria told him, in the matter-of-fact way children had. “Like my mom.”

“Quite so,” agreed Ducky, softly, and she took the ornament with Breena’s name. “That’s why we put their names on our Christmas tree, to remember them. Jethro…?”

Gibbs leaned down to scoop Victoria up. “Let’s put your mom up by the star,” he said, and lifted her so she could reach.

Tali peered into the box. “Can I put up Grandma Jenny’s?”

“Of course,” said Ducky, and handed her the ornament. “John, Morgan, perhaps you can choose a branch to hang Aunt Caitlin’s?”

“At the tippy-top!” chorused the twins.

The two older men smiled, as Gibbs set Victoria down again and Tali came over for her turn.

“The tippy-top it is,” he agreed.

Tali took care to hang her ornament, and hugged Gibbs as he set her on the floor. “Ima and Daddy say that Grandma Jenny would have liked me.”

“She’d have loved you,” he said.

“Absolutely,” agreed Ducky. “All of you. In fact, that reminds me of a story…” he began, and all the children gathered around to listen.


Current Mood:


ncisdrabble100, drabble, ncis

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