[Stargate: Drabble] "Into a Trap" [SG-22, G]

Jul 06, 2021 03:32

Title: Into a Trap
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 21, challenge 28, prompt 14 “Uh, actually, sir, I think we prefer to go with the bizarre and risky. It worked for us so far.” (Sylvesterson, Down Periscope)
Word Count: 555
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: “So… this is a trap.”

Into a Trap

“So… this is a trap,” said Jason.

The main village of P3X-1314 was in a shallow valley, along with its stargate. The population - about a thousand people, by SG-10’s rough count - had reached a vaguely medieval level of development, with thatched stone cottages and rudimentary metal-working technology. But on the far side of the largest hill were the ruins of a “fascinating pre-Columbian society, like a mix of Incas and Aztecs,” according to Daniel Jackson. SG-10 had noted the ruins in the report of their first-contact mission, and SG-22 had been sent to follow up, taking photographs and video so the science department could decide what kind of priority to give a long-term site there.

SG-22 had taken the main road through the forest out to the ruins, but had chosen to take the less-traveled hunting trail on the way back - Levi had hoped to find more of the ruins, or at least a few artifacts in the dense woods.

They hadn’t found anything, but coming back by a different way meant that they came out of the trees about fifty yards west of the main road and were able to clearly see the unit of Jaffa holding the council building.

“Oh, yeah,” said Gryff, peering out again from the cover of the trees. “That’s a trap.”

“So what are we going to do?” asked Levi. “We can’t stay here, and we can’t go to the gate.”

“Well, we could,,” said Toby. “But it’d take hours to go around all the hills to the other side. And by the time we do that, we’ll have missed our check-in and be out of radio range, so whoever they send after us will walk right into the trap.”

“Do they always send somebody when we miss check-in?” asked Billy, surprised.

“Of course,” said Gryff. “It’s just that any time we actually go missing, we’ve usually been thrown into a naquadah mine on another planet by the time they get there.”

“Oh,” said Billy.

“Do we have a plan?” asked Levi.

She grinned. “We have a plan.”

“Does this plan involve us walking into a trap we know is a trap?” asked Toby.

“Some of us,” said Gryff.

“And could some of us get shot?” asked Levi.

“Hmm… Possibly.”

“Do any of us have to wear women’s clothing?” asked Jason.

“Only those of us that already are.”

“Well, then,” said Toby. “That’s okay with me.”

“Good,” said Gryff. “Jase?”

“I’m intrigued, sir.”

“Good. Levi?”

“Only some of us might get shot?” he asked.

“That’s the spirit, Lee. Billy?”

He blinked. “Me, sir?”

“That patch on your shoulder says ‘twenty-two’ now, so you get a say.”

“When the shooting stats,” said Toby, “you follow orders without question. But up until then, you should ask as many questions as possible.”

“Right,” said Levi. “Like - how many of us are going to get shot?”

“You need to let that go, Lee,” said Gryff. “It was only the one time and we’re all very sorry.”

“Fine,” he said. “I’ll listen to your crazy plan.”


“I…” the young lieutenant began, then smiled. “We’ve been pretty lucky with the crazy so far, haven’t we?”

His commanding officer grinned. “I knew there was a reason we picked you.”

“Thank you, sir. Ma’am.”

“We’ll work on that,” said Gryff, then, “Okay, boys, here’s the plan…”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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