4 knock-out muffins [Accidental Video]

Dec 26, 2011 20:40

[Little bark-like sounds can be heard with blackness, soon whiteness and then yellowness as a Whoozit appears to be staring into the PCD, sniffing and pawing at it- which is likely the reason it turned on in the first place- and over all being a curious tiny creature ( Read more... )

dude's an alcoholic, carry on, what's a whoozit, needs adult supervision, can drink more than that, w e l p, why can't i hold all these booze, needed a drink- got many

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[Video] timeforavacay December 27 2011, 02:41:03 UTC
Someone looks a little lonely.


[offline] timeforavacay December 30 2011, 21:58:19 UTC
Yikes. Maybe someone else should bring the food and drink, yeah?

[Now if Kariya heard that it just might throw him for a loop.

Good, because he is rather fond of the nickname now.]

Don't mind if I do.

[He steps inside and shivers a bit.]

Whoo it's cold out there. [He slowly peels off his already soaked through coat and looks over at Tsuzuki.]

Got a place I can hang this? [Please dont' mention the fact that he doesn't have winter clothes. He's painfully aware of that already.]


[offline] amethyst_gaze December 31 2011, 06:03:11 UTC
He tries to secretly spike that, too- if he's come up with something new he wants to test out that badly.

[At least Watari normally bribes Tsuzuki to test stuff out more than he spikes food and drink?

Nodding towards the rack on the wall with hooks.]

There, it can drip dry at the same time. [Don't ask why Tsuzuki's trenchcoat is just tossed over furniture and not hanging up- even if it's likely because the Whoozit decided to curl up on it on the couch it's draped on.]


[offline] timeforavacay December 31 2011, 21:28:56 UTC
Sounds like an interesting guy. Bet he sure keeps you on your toes, huh?

[He nods and hangs the jacket up before turning to appraise the room. For a place in a run down city it was pretty nice. Cozy too.]

You live here alone?


[offline] amethyst_gaze December 31 2011, 22:31:35 UTC
Between that and some of his projects exploding in his lab- he keeps almost everyone in our section on their toes.

[It was nice when he found it, and worked hard to get it in even better shape. That fireplace alone kept the entire cabin toasty warm.]

Yeah, I do.


[offline] timeforavacay January 2 2012, 01:27:11 UTC
Gotta keep work exciting somehow.

[He started slowly exploring the room. He paused by the fireplace to try and warm himself after the cold journey over. He really needed to get a shirt that wasn't a tank top.]

Don't you get lonely out here all alone?


[offline] amethyst_gaze January 2 2012, 01:54:30 UTC
The only unexciting thing is paperwork, sometimes the research.

[Only sometimes, since Watari usually did the research, he was the genius computer whiz who knew just where to look- and Tsuzuki wasn't allowed in the library.

He smiled faintly, moving back towards the table where those bottles sat.]

A little, most of my time is spent walking around the city. Sometimes out in the wastes.


[offline] timeforavacay January 3 2012, 15:06:56 UTC
Yuck. I hate paperwork.

[He usually made Uzuki do it. It helped that she wanted to so she could get a promotion, but hey. Who was counting?

He moved away from the fire place to go and sit with Tsuzuki at the table.]

Well if you ever get too lonely you can always give me a jingle, Zuzu.

[He props his arm up, resting his chin on his hand.]

What're the Wastes like?


[offline] amethyst_gaze January 4 2012, 01:00:39 UTC
Not my favorite thing, either.

[His handwriting was barely readable at it's best- and his own partner usually did the work for one excuse he could find or another.

No one dared to not do paperwork with Tatsumi being the one who takes it. Scarey secretary was scarey.]

I'll keep that in mind. [Jumping a little when the Whoozit climbs up his pant leg and settles itself into his lap, blinking at it yipping at him.]

It's.. strange. There's different landscapes combined and lots of strange, and possibly dangerous, creatures out there.


[offline] timeforavacay January 5 2012, 02:20:18 UTC
Work is work.

[He shrugs. Not that he had to think about it too much here. Which was nice. Even if there were a bunch of people from home. At least they wouldn't harass him to do things for them.]

Yeah, you do that. It's not like I have much to do around this place anyway.

[He grins at Tsuzuki more as a reassuring thing. Wouldn't want him to think he was a last resort or anything like that.]

Possibly dangerous? That's not what a lot of other people say.


[offline] amethyst_gaze January 5 2012, 02:39:05 UTC
I wouldn't have much to do around here either if I hadn't volunteered for the protection squad.

[Even if he would have started looking into things without it- there is a smil in return.]

Well, there's a few things out there that are more than possibly, but a lot of them out there wouldn't attack if it wasn't provoked somehow.

I've sat a good distance away and watched dragons. I wasn't bothering them, or getting too close, so I was left alone.


[offline] timeforavacay January 6 2012, 04:36:01 UTC
That sounds like story time to me.

[Other people talking about themselves was always cool with him. He actually kinda liked listening to people talk.

The dragon talk gets a low whistle from him.]

You're a brave one. I've heard those guys are dangerous. Bet they're gorgeous though.

{And completely foreign to him seeing as they weren't actually real back in his world.]


[offline] amethyst_gaze January 6 2012, 04:53:50 UTC
I hear a lot of the time anyone is attacked is from people going out there to blow off steam. I think after a while anything would be dangerous if little things went out there all the time and attacked them on sight.

Wouldn't you? [It was kinda sad, really. Though, the only thing he knew of dragons were from shikigami. Hell, Shouryu was a dragon and could make some of the scariest faces.. but all in all it was because he was protective of his home and family.

There was nothing that told him differently of any animals in the Wastes.]

Story time, huh? I don't think some stuff I'm allowed to tell. I do a lot of patrols, but I was also asked to help investigate things about this place, even the animus.


[offline] timeforavacay January 7 2012, 17:38:06 UTC
I'm sure there are healthier ways to do it, but people like simple solutions. [He's not surprised the animals out there are aggressive then.]

I wouldn't mind seein one some time. [It'd be a good story to tell and he could always high tail it outta there if it looked like it would get dangerous. ]

So does that mean you're a part of that defense force they have here then? There's no rest for the wicked I suppose.


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