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amenirdis March 5 2012, 15:56:29 UTC
Well, let's see ( ... )


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amenirdis March 5 2012, 21:44:54 UTC
Apparently the way the boundaries have moved I'm a moderate. My mantra is "it depends."


tielan March 5 2012, 20:40:04 UTC
Do you still believe that Obama will win the 2012 presidential race? I recall being told that there was only one president who didn't get re-elected for the double-term, but I don't remember whom or why.

I do hope that the President gets his second chance - and that it's the change he hoped to shepherd along.


amenirdis March 5 2012, 21:28:28 UTC
I think it's most likely that Obama will win. Actually, there have been quite a few presidents who didn't get a second term. Most recently, Bush senior lost his reelection in 1992. Also Carter lost his second term in 1980, and Ford his second term in 1976.


kynical March 5 2012, 23:55:03 UTC
I don't think Romney can win here in Iowa. Iowans just plain don't like him (read the Evangelical vote) the Repub. business folks here LOVE him. Those that make up the majority of voters in the rural districts in Iowa...not so much. His Cadillac, I don't care about the very poor etc. comments haven't helped his image.

Iowans like Obama--minus the shrill conservative Christian vote. Obama's visits and comments regarding the state play well. Especially as the Iowa Caucus is a source of pride that cuts across party lines. After being told we don't matter. In 2008 we helped put Obama on the map. Iowans remember that.

I don't see Romney having much of a shot unless the conservative Christian vote gets some excitement and organization going for him. What will interest me is if Paul goes the Liberatarian route. And if Romney would select a Mark Rubio as VP candidate.


amenirdis March 6 2012, 12:41:13 UTC
That's good information. I think Obama has a very good chance, minus some disaster.


sixpences March 6 2012, 13:28:58 UTC
It's really interesting to hear your take on the candidates! I've thought a couple of times that this year's Republican field are somewhat reminiscent of the Democrats in 2004- there seems to be a lot of posturing about Not Being Obama, but no-one who really seems to have their own ideas and their own message that actually inspires people. I wouldn't be surprised if an awful lot of conservative voters just don't bother voting, come November.


amenirdis March 6 2012, 15:03:47 UTC
There is a lot of posturing. And the big thing is that the coalition that's held the Republican party together since 1980 is seriously fractured. The alliance of big business and social conservatism has always been uneasy. And right now it's falling apart.


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