qaf 30 day meme: day 17 - day 23.

Dec 27, 2010 23:20

Behind, behind, behind.

Day 17 - A scene that makes you angry/pissed you off

There are a few but one in particular stands out. During the cancer arc when Michael and Justin are talking and Michael says, "DON'T TELL HIM THAT YOU KNOW." And then two seconds later, when he's weeping like two-year-old on the floor, he says something like, "I don't want you to die!" Oh. My. God. Fuck you, Michael. I've never wanted to punch someone more than in that moment. It isn't all about you. Surprise, surprise. And yet Justin gets punished for it? Christ. What Michael said in 301 about leaving Justin to die made me punchy but I felt satisfied since Brian punched him in the face (and shouldn't have forgiven him that easily).

Day 18 - Something that you wish never happened

Uh, how about? Let's get married ... PSYCH. JUST KIDDING. WE'RE NOT GONNA DO IT. I've never been so high on happy fumes and brought down faster than fast. I didn't want to see them split up at the end even though now we're supposed to "know" that they're together. I'll take what Randy says more than anything Cow Fucking Lip will say so I'm content knowing that he thinks that they're together in the end. It's not as if I was ever unsure. I'm not. I just didn't want to see it.

Day 19 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t

I wish that S4 and S5 was kept as consistent as the previous seasons but they didn't. I wish that they wouldn't have let real life influence THE LAST SEASON OF THE SHOW. I wish that lady_jane's Inferno actually happened. The Bestie actually brought me to that story and it became our new canon. The way that she made Justin react to the Brandon incident was just true to life and that would've been the more realistic approach but y'know, people get stupid when they think they have power. Cowlip.

Day 20 - Your favorite Debbie t-shirt

Oh man. I forgot the episode but it was like, seen the show, read the story, done the musical? Something like that. It had the word musical in it. Therefore, that shirt was made of win.

Day 21 - Your favorite outfit worn on the show

Oh my god. Brian in that suit when he was getting sued by Kip. It was that fitted shirt, the long brown coat, and fitted pants. He just looked so long in that suit and hot. Oh and of course THE PANTS that Gale had to get sewn into during the party for the Senator. Oh and Brian's red -- okay, a lot of Brian's outfits.

Day 22 - Your favorite song from the show

How do I pick just one? One of the thing things about fandom was finding all the songs that they used in the show. I gave up in S5 but many of the songs in the previous seasons have been fantastic. I mean, I say "Filthy Mind" and you know what I'm talking about. But there's also Rufus Wainwright's Poses, Sketch by Kurt Swinghammer, Wild Sweet Cool by Crystal Method in 205. A lot of great music.

Day 23 - Your favorite place
This question makes no sense. I changed it.

Day 23 - Who's Your Favorite Trick?

I have two! I love the art kid from the episode where Jennifer takes Justin to the art gallery. God, I wanted to see them get it on in the bathroom. Then, the second is the waiter from the episode where they throw the Senator a party. Brian took him up the stairs, they started making out in the hallway, AND I WANTED TO SEE MORE.

QaF 30 Day Meme
Day 1 - How did you come to Queer as Folk and the fandom?
Day 2 - Your favorite QaF season
Day 3 - Your favorite QaF episode
Day 4 - Your favorite QaF season intro episode
Day 5 - Your favorite QaF season finale
Day 6 - Your favorite storyline
Day 7 - Your favorite main character
Day 8 - Your favorite minor character
Day 9 - Your least favorite character
Day 10 - Your favorite couple
Day 11 - Your favorite friendship
Day 12 - Your favorite scene
Day 13 - Your favorite sex scene
Day 14 - Your favorite funny scene
Day 15 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Day 16 - A scene that makes you happy
Day 17 - A scene that makes you angry/pissed you off
Day 18 - Something that you wish never happened
Day 19 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t
Day 20 - Your favorite Debbie t-shirt
Day 21 - Your favorite outfit worn on the show
Day 22 - Your favorite song from the show
Day 23 - Your favorite place
Day 24 - Your favorite QaF quote
Day 25 - Your favorite QaF one-liner
Day 26 - Your favorite advice or wisdom from the show
Day 27 - Your favorite QaF fanvid
Day 28 - Your favorite QaF fanfic
Day 29 - Your favorite QaF fanart (icon, wallpaper etc)
Day 30 - Do you have any QaF related items? And if you could own one item from the sets, what would it be?
Bonus Day - Anything QaF related - whatever tickles your fancy

qaf meme

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