qaf 30 day meme - day six.

Dec 09, 2010 23:36

Day 6 - Your favorite storyline

Oh man. lady_jane said the Pink Posse and I laffed and laffed. Even when Cody was screaming "suck it" I was laughing my ass off.

Um. I really loved the Stockwell arc. It really all began with Jason Kemp's murder in Season Two and at first I thought that that was just a throw away idea about the dangers of walking off with someone you barely know. But, it turned into so much more than that. That was something that Brian became really passionate about. First it was for purely selfish reasons and then he remembered that he had a heart lodged somewhere inside and there was such a change in him. It brought Brian and Justin together, he was able to help Ted (even though he caused that little problem) and we got that great pleading scene from Emmett. Everyone was involved and it really solidified the group as a whole (with the exception of Ted).

Like I said, one of my favorite aspects of this show for me were the ensemble scenes, the scenes that demonstrated an obvious friendship between all of them that gradually disappeared in Season 4 and Season 5. But within Season 3, it really pulled everyone together and I guess we have the Stockwell storyline to thank for that.

That's really just one storyline. I liked a lot of them.

QaF 30 Day Meme
Day 1 - How did you come to Queer as Folk and the fandom?
Day 2 - Your favorite QaF season
Day 3 - Your favorite QaF episode
Day 4 - Your favorite QaF season intro episode
Day 5 - Your favorite QaF season finale
Day 6 - Your favorite storyline
Day 7 - Your favorite main character
Day 8 - Your favorite minor character
Day 9 - Your least favorite character
Day 10 - Your favorite couple
Day 11 - Your favorite friendship
Day 12 - Your favorite scene
Day 13 - Your favorite sex scene
Day 14 - Your favorite funny scene
Day 15 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Day 16 - A scene that makes you happy
Day 17 - A scene that makes you angry/pissed you off
Day 18 - Something that you wish never happened
Day 19 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t
Day 20 - Your favorite Debbie t-shirt
Day 21 - Your favorite outfit worn on the show
Day 22 - Your favorite song from the show
Day 23 - Your favorite place
Day 24 - Your favorite QaF quote
Day 25 - Your favorite QaF one-liner
Day 26 - Your favorite advice or wisdom from the show
Day 27 - Your favorite QaF fanvid
Day 28 - Your favorite QaF fanfic
Day 29 - Your favorite QaF fanart (icon, wallpaper etc)
Day 30 - Do you have any QaF related items? And if you could own one item from the sets, what would it be?
Bonus Day - Anything QaF related - whatever tickles your fancy

qaf meme

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