Oh, the Christmas rush! But, I love it and I was wired for the rest of the day. I think it aggravated my sunburn and my cheeks are still in pain < --- from being out in the sun, heh.
Almost! Just two more days to try to figure everything out. Cookies! I'm resisting the urge to bake the ones that I have downstairs or else they're not going to last until Christmas, lol.
So busy! But, it felt good to just get everything done even if it did take all day.
I guess I'm just anal about everything! If I see one cap and it's the perfect size, then I get self-conscious about mine because they're smaller but they still look okay. Oy.
A good point you make. See, once upon a time they didn't look this bad though and I was able to take 1024x764 caps and they looked good. I just didn't use them because they looked a little squished. But, I updated my program and my computer updated itself and now it takes caps differently. I think I'm on the verge of giving up and just VLC'ing it and clean up the caps myself.
i really wouldn't bother cleaning them up. the babylon cap is good for qaf/babylon. sometimes cleanup however well intended is counterproductive for graphics and stuff...in my experience, at least. this is also why i don't like qaf caps, most of them out there have been "fixed" to death.
No, I agree! I'd never want to contrast or brighten the hell out of it. But, the only reason that I got these looking as bright as they are is because I used PowerDVD. Now that that program is a little messed up, VLC would be my only option and they're considerably darker than the ones that I used for my website. Wah, wah, wah. :|
Comments 18
B/J can overwhelm anyone's visual desires.
B/J can overwhelm anyone's visual desires.
An excellent point you make! :)
I still wish I could make screencaps at all, so admittedly all kind of caps look good to me.:)
I guess I'm just anal about everything! If I see one cap and it's the perfect size, then I get self-conscious about mine because they're smaller but they still look okay. Oy.
.... you were sayin? :p
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