christmas is only a few days away.

Dec 21, 2009 23:24

Things I Did Today:

• Woke up early and by early I mean around 9ish. I've been waking up at 9 lately which is good because I didn't really like waking up at noon. Even though I say that I'm sure that I'm going to go back to my sleeping schedule as soon as it's 2010.
• Went to the mall.
• Was shocked to see that they already had people there to direct cars into the parking garage. It was early in the morning! There was no need for that since the parking lot was pretty empty.
• Parked in my usual place and went straight for the Hallmark store.
• Bought cards for my parents, grandmother, friends.
• Went back home to fill out cards and pack the presents.
• Ventured out to the post office.
• Encountered rude people! (They weren't rude to me).
• Mailed my packages and cards after 30-40 minutes of waiting in line.
• Went to the back to take out money.
• Went to my Mom's bank to deposit that money into her account.
• Went to the grocery store.
• As I was leaving the store ... I forgot the one important ingredient for my holiday treat.
• Back to the grocery store.
• Finally back home.
• Ate lunch.
• Worked on my Mom's birthday present. (Her birthday's on the 27th).
• Received awesome Christmas presents from r_me_time.
• Cleaned the kitchen.
• Sat down.

This was the first time in a long time that I did something all day. It felt like working a 9-5 with all that running around. The point is is that everything is finished. Well, mostly. Haven't wrapped presents for my cousins' kids that I'm seeing on Christmas Eve and in the haste and paranoia of wanting to get presents mailed out on time, I forgot to buy package material for the cousins' kids gifts. My mom's going out tomorrow for her shopping so maybe she'll find me a box somewhere that I could use.


PS: How did my screencaps go from ?

To ?

See? This is why I never finish these projects. The more I stare at something, the more I see the imperfections, the more I want to correct everything and change everything. Now my PowerDVD program doesn't work the way that I want it to and I still refuse to use VLC player because all the caps come out so dark. Ugh, I don't know what to do. Help.

holiday, screencaps, rl

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